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Posts posted by 2crazy4u

  1. hi,

    i want to thank everyone for helping me with me problem ... today we were talking about ur problems we were talking for like a 3hr today .. he really want me to help him but i wounder if i can do it .. i really want to help him with his problem but can i.... am i that strong to help him...


    somtimes i wounder what is happines? Is happines something that happen in our life for 30min and we take it like if it was forever. i ask myslef if i am ever going to be happy .. and if this is going to be my destiny ? is this what god want me to do ....... help othe people feel good about thair slef .. i want to help him but i have to help me slef frist ....


    i have alot of thing that go's thow my mind about my slef ... i like going out but when i do i think everyone is talking about me ... how can i help someone when i have alot of thing worng with my slef.... i know this may be alot of bla bla bla for all of you gay's but this is in my mind all the time


    Today we were fighting alot and i told him that we should brack up... but he want to try and i want to 2... but i don't know no more sometimes i think that we are trying to late but i am going to try my best and help him 2.


    thank you take care





    1. If listin quitly you can here the earth crying when it sad are laughing when it happy.......

    2.( when you are faraway from your love ones listin quitly to the wind you and here your family member say I LOVE YOU .....)


  2. go with what ur heart is telling you... you have to understand if you did your best and gave 110% in that relasioship it okay . she is the one with the problem .. i am a women and what she is doing is not good she want you and thin she doesn't want you you need to talk to her and tell her what on ur mind and if she doesn't change .. give ur self time and find some else that can make you happy ..................

  3. hi

    i am 19 and i have been living with me bf for 7 to 8 mounth.I love him alot but this paste 2 mounth has been hell for me .. at the beging i told him how i was and it was alright with him i told him that i like to go out and have fun .. and i told him what i do when i go out .. but he alway think that i am going to go out to find a other man .and i told him to go out with me and he never want me to. The onlything he want is to do is stay at home or go to the movies and it is cool with me but that is not the only thing i like to do . Evertime my friend call me to go out i ask him if i can and he always say no . (it like if i was his kid are somthing) and we alway end up fighting about that i am so tired of telling him tha same thing over and over . he make me feel bad i don't like people tell me what to do .... Yes i see all the other thing he does for me and i thank him for that but thair are other thing that are soposto come out of are relasonship. even in bed at the beging it was nice but in the middel of the relasonship and intill now we have sex when he want to . get got to the point that i was beging for sex and that made me fell like *beep* .. like if i wasn't good are something .. i really love this man and i want it to work but sometimes i feel that it to late ... he is looking for help and this 2 day it has been nice and all but i think it is to late i really love him and i want it to work and i am trying my best to fix something about me and he is to and he is really happy about doing it but i don't know what to do . it has gotten to the point that i drink just to forget about what is going on in my life (when i say drink i really mine it i drink so much that i don't remember what i did).now he get mad cuz i am on the computer he say's i am alway on the computer .. He got mad cuz i gave my cel#to one person and now he is alway reading my messages and stuff i reall don't now what to do know more i am allway talking to him and telling him how i feel .... but the fact is that i love him alot and i now that is is trying to fix thing with us and his slef ..but i wounder if it to late for us ....Sometimes i am happy and sometimes i am not i don't know what to do know more






    PS: SOMETIMES I FEELING LIKE GOING AWAY AND NEVER LOOKING BACK .. but my love for him doesn't let me .......... it feel like my head is going to ................ >



    PSS sorry about the miss spelling i am just up set right now

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