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Posts posted by freefallin

  1. To surrender to someone you trust is very erotic. You are in a different world and all the stress goes away. As each stroke gets alittle harder to take it challenges you. After the spanking cuddle and kiss. Freefallin

  2. My boyfriend enjoys non violent, loving kinky sex. He wants it with his partner only, with no anger or abuse. He likes fantasies with anticipation and role playing. Such as the naughty school boy getting spanked by his teacher in a seductive outfit. How can you start doing this and not look like a fool and please your partner. I think I could get into this , but I need some advise. Any ideas??? Freefallin

  3. Sit close to her and gaze into her eyes. Then while she is talking start starring at her lips. Move your face closer and closer. Then kiss her very gently on the lips without your tongue and pull back. Then move in again and land a harder but still gentle kiss on her lips. See how she reacts. Freefallin Good Luck!!

  4. Thank you for your insightful advice. I do need to take inventory of his emotional damage. He kisses me and gives me great passonate,long hugs and back rubs. He holds my hand where ever we go. We pray together at meal time and sing together daily. We share so much. His x girlfriend emailed him yesterday . She said, " Hi how are you?" His reply was "Don't expect a conversation out of me." I feel and please send me some feedback, that as long as she emails and he answers them he will not be able to move forward. I love him so much and he tells me everyday that he loves me. Last night he came to my house after work which was very late and got into bed with me. He puts his arms around my waist and strokes my hair. He is very careful not to touch my breasts, butt etc. In the morning I got up for work and he gently kissed me on the lips and said, "Good bye my angel". He is so sweet and I know he could be an awesome lover. How long would you hang in there with him? We have been friends and seeing each other as just friends since last November. It's almost as if he used me for his emotional needs because his girlfriend was so distant and cold. We have been more seriously hanging out and dating since May. Books will tell you that I am not mean enough and men don't like nice, kind women. What do you think? freefallin

  5. He stated, the reason he won't jump in the sack with me is not because of me. It's because of him. I am confused. I do think he still has feelings for his past girlfriend they just broke up. I knew their relationship would never work. He met her on the internet. Very long distance between them. He is affectionate , spiritual, relgious, kinky, and very physically active. She smokes like a chimmney, watches tv , hates organized religion, does not believe in God. and hates kinky sex. Would never send a card or respond to his goodness and thoughtfulness. So she broke up with him. He loved her because she was 5'11. Blonde with great legs. He said the sex was not good. Go figure.


  6. I feel he is depressed and maybe does not have that sexual chemistry for me that he had with his last girl . His last girlfriend was self centered and sarcastic. She was not emotionally available . He states he loves me that I am his adorable angel. He can't stand not seeing me everyday. He wants to take it slow and see what happens. I find it interesting that he will not french kiss me but he will sleep with me cuddle and kiss on the lips. He will not rub or touch any erotic zones on my body. He said he is attracted to me and that I am such a loving and caring person. He sends me flowers any many thoughful cards. We sing in church together and share many of the same values. What do you think? freefallin

  7. I am a women in her early 50's who is seeing a man the same age. He has had many break ups with women because of sex. He likes conservative kinky sex within a loving relationship and only with one partner. He is not into s&m. Mind games with anticipation and love is what he is all about. I love the same. He now feels all of his previous loves failed because of sex. None of his other lovers wanted kinky sex. Most did not like vanilla sex because of alcohol, anger and not being in touch with their emotions. So now he is getting over a women that he thought would be his girl for life. She rejected him. I have been friends with him during his romance with the other girl. We shared coffee, stories and cryed on each others shoulder. We love each other and are very close. He refused to have sex, or french kiss me. He feels he can't. We cuddle, kiss, share everything except sex... He asked me if I thought I could marry someone and never have a passionate love life? I told him I enjoy sex but I also enjoy love, sharing and having someone in my life who listens to me and respects me. Would love to get some advice. Should I stay or should I go? Freefallin

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