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Posts posted by Tara-Karina

  1. Hey,

    Needing some help here, i didn't know where to post this but it sems a good enough place

    Anyway... My boyfriends birthday is coming up really soon and i have NO idea what to get him!!! ](*,)

    It's driving me crazy, I've not got loads of money but i want it to be something he can keep or something really special, this will be the first gift i buy him as we've not been together that long,

    I don't really know what his into, i was kinda thinking about a diamond watch but every one i see seems to cost like $3456787695987.09 hahaha, so if there's any guy's out there that can help, and girls who have got gifts for there fella's pleaseeeeee tell me.

    I do really like the watch idea though

    Also he will be 24, just thought i'd include that.

    Thanking yoooooooou

    T xx

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