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Posts posted by VeryJHurt

  1. I been with my girlfriend for 2 years and 2 months. The First Year was absolute perfect and i loved every minute of it. I am Truly in love with this girl. The first year she lied about how many people she had sex with , friends she had who later she told me she had sex with them who she still talked too also she was talking to her ex boyfriend for a whole year after i begged her and cried about not talking to him, well she still was and it was hurting me bad. Saying all that it was still great and i forgave her everytime i found out.



    Well this past October i got real close with a friend i met at my job and she found out about it saying i cheated and all this stuff. Even though we were real close i swear i never had sex with her. Now everyday she crying in her room , throws it in my face , start agruments , just is not the way she used to be.I think this situation changed her but we all make mistakes. Everytime i talk to her she just yells and yells and is so disruptive towards me.


    Is it fair that i sitck around when we both misktakes and i get the 3rd degree or is it my fault that she is acting like this.

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