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Posts posted by ConfusedGuy18

  1. Hey all Im new here, but im really confused on what to do and was wondering if you guys could help me out


    Well im 18 just fresh out of highschool going to a community college next year


    Well my best friend met a girl at his church back in feb. and went out a couple months later. They went to prom togther to whole thing. Well after a month into there relationship, you could see that they were slipping away from each other. Not holding hands, he was neer around her, when they were toghter. My friend is a little weird, hes the kind of person that doesn't really want a gf, but anyway


    when they were going out, she always was looking at me, she raised her eye brows fast like she was into me, but duh i didnt do anything b/c they were going out, but even at prom when he danced in a group, i could see her looking over at me.




    Well when they broke up about a month ago, i talked to my friend about everything that happened, and that he was over it and everythign and he wanted to just move on


    Well now that there broken up, she been getting a lot closer to me now, we all go to the same church, and my friend wont even sit next to me b/c she is, so he saids hes over it, but he doesnt want her over at his house, next to him etc


    I mean its obvious that she likes me, shes inviting me everywhere now, always wants to sit next to me, "accidentally" touches me, etc all the flirting things


    I like her a lot, always thinking about her, just never did anything b/c hes my best friends girl, but now that thre broken up i dont know what to do


    I talked to her on aim the other day and she didnt say it like this but somehow said it w/ out saying these words, basically that evrything between them need to be alright for us to go out


    Well im in a tough spot, ive known my friend since freshmen year, were great friends, tell each other everything all the buddy buddy stuff.


    Problem is, what the hell do i do?!?! He is my best friend, he has a twin brother, fraternal, and hes going out w/ a girl which is her best friend


    So i know if i want to ask her out i have to talk to my friend about it, it seems he would be ok with it.


    But i dont wan * * * to be all awkward, like if we go out and where toghter and like were hugging of kissing etc hes liek right there. I want it to be ok


    I know i have to talk to him before i do anything, but should i wait a lil while longer to make sure she really likes me?


    Should i ask her friend and his brother and ask for there advice?


    Should i talk to her one on one about everything?


    Any advie would be great

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