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Posts posted by Helena

  1. My problem is I have no drive for life. Everything in my life has become this huge obligation. My mom is always telling me to think of my future but I could really careless. I don't care or know what I want to do with my life. I just want it to be over. Nothing excites me, I'm always borred. (Please don't take offense here) I don't like being around people because its puts me in a mad/sad mood. I feel like I just don't connect to others, like everyone just annoy's me. And Everytime I want to do something I realize how much money I'm going to have to spend, thus I find out I don't want to do it. Example: I don't want a car, but I need one, and even though I need one I couldn't afford it or the insurance. Everything in life is that way. I guess I'm just really angry with the way things are in the world, and I can't stand the people in it (including myself) I'm just waiting for a car to run me over or something. I can't talk to my mom, she just shrugs me away, or gets offended, or just says thats life. I'm not sure if I have a depression problem, and even if I did I can't afford to pay for it. Has anyone ever felt this way before?

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