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Posts posted by SabrinaEr

  1. After 9 days of no contact he send me at night sms: "How are you?" - I'm polish so i don't know if that is good translation- he want from me that I write him what hear of me, what I'm doing etc. I din't response and after 3 or 4 hours he send me signal. I didn't response too. Now, i know that he is thinking about me but I don't feel it's enough yet. I want wait longer but I ' m little worry: what if he will not contact me again?

  2. But....I don't understand why (before he send me that sms) he was good for me, tender...that looks like he wants to be with me and he treats me like I'm valuable person...and after 2 days he send me that... Maybe he wasn't sure what he could do- choose me or her.... and maybe he will understand that was mistake that he chose her. I don't know...but I see now that NC is the best way , n I hope it help him to see how right we are together.


    P.S. Sorry for my english...maybe some facts aren't so understand but that is cause I'm Polish

  3. I was with my ex bf at about year. There was of course something good, something worse days but recently I thought that was better than before. He was tender... he was showing respect to me, I was sure that leading to good way. I go home (I live in another city than my ex) and there was 2 days we didn't see, there was no contact- that was normal for me...BUT... 3rd day I receive SMS from him that he is sorry but here is another girl between us who is more interesting than me and we must break contact between us. I was very surprise and desperate but I try to think wisely and I remind that I shouldn't write to him, no contact. Now, I have a lot thoughts in my mind. It's my 3 day NC and I try to be hard. If he is with another girl is there hope he will miss me? Why he was that tender to me before? What could I do to get him back?

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