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Posts posted by anonymous_11

  1. FCTex thank you for sharing. I think what BetterKarma said is true that I'm really hung up on this situation on whether I could take her back. You're all so right about letting time pass. Although I'm missing her bad right now, I can't change anything without breaking NC, and if I do that then I'm dead in the water. Basically what I was looking for was an excuse to take her back if the time comes, but I shouldn't even worry about that right now.


    Thanks guys

  2. BetterKarma,


    You nailed it on the head. We were each other's first love. I think you're right about her having her eye out for her new gentleman friend before the break up.


    They met each other just very recently at a summer job they started three weeks ago, and it pains me to think of her being with someone she hardly knows.


    The job program they're in ends at the end of this month, and I'm positive he's going away to school in mid-August.


    Is it safe to say if she comes around again in August that maybe she'd be coming back for the wrong reasons? This is all speculation of course, but I was really good to her!

  3. My girlfriend broke up with me after being together for three and a half years. We've had some bumps in the relationship, but nothing like this.


    Her reason for the break up is that she felt trapped in the relationship. She said that she is not ready to settle on her life without exploring other possibilities. This was about a week ago, and already she is dating someone new.


    Right now I'm really trying to figure out if this new guy is someone she felt like leaving me for, or if he's just someone to date because he's not me. Does that make sense? Basically does she think he's a big improvement, or did she choose him because she felt like exploring something new, like she said? Has someone experienced this before?


    I feel like if she wanted to break things off she should have done so when she was feeling trapped. Instead it's like she dumped me specifically for someone else, and it makes me feel like crap.


    I felt really low for the first few days, but I haven't made any contact with her. I feel like if she does really love me she will make her way back into my life, and if not then I'm already preparing to move on.


    I would like to know if anyone has gone through something similar where the dumper came back after leaving and the relationship flourished. What about the contrary? Did she come back only to repeat the same act?


    I really love her, and I'm missing her and what we had.

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