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Posts posted by Jacked

  1. New guy here. I need advice from you people pls. Ok, here it goes:


    My wife and I ran away and got married (eloped) in 2002

    Her Father didn't like me and my Father didn't like her. They have been enemies for more then 40 yrs now. When i asked her father why he did not approve of me he said " Your great grandfather did something to my grandfather and ever since then i don't like you and your family"


    Anyways, We have been broken up twice and have gotten back together again. The reason why we broke up was because of the families (Both sides)


    We were really close to signing the divorce papers and she started crying and told me that she did not want to go through this and still loved me. My feelings started coming back for her and now i don't know what to tell my family about her being in my life again. No one approves of her not my family, my friends and other people that i know. Some people told me to follow my heart and this is our last strike were already on strike 2. When we were separated for 1 year i did not miss her knowing the fact that we were still keeping in touch and we were still sleeping together. She told me that she wants to leave town and start a brand new life with me. I wish i could pack up and leave but i can't. My parents are old and they need me to be there for them as much as i can. It really scares me that if we do move in together i'll feel like i'm no longer there for my parents. Also, her parents were trying to hook her up with some other guy and she did not like him because she's still in love with me. After all that's happened, do I love her still? I ask that question everyday and i don't know the answer. But i know when we start living together we will get attched really fast.


    Any advice on what to do?

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