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Posts posted by wildweasel

  1. OK, You were angry. No problem. We hosed you down a bit.

    Yeah I probably needed that

    I was a little stressed out, but even so I was in a pretty good mood before she turned into 'the monster'. I do feel comfortable talking to her, but not when she's like this. And she also seemed to lay more work on me and she'd get on to only me about something even though everyone else does it too. In all honesty I don't know what to say to her because I don't know what I've done. And it all seems a little ridiculous to me. Everytime we go through this she always ends up ignoring me afterwards for a while. Do you think I'm better off just avoiding her all the time? I'd rather not have this happen again

  2. It's an honest yes or no question. Look, I didn't come here to be picked on...I just came here to get advice. If you don't have advice for my post then just leave me alone. If I offended you then I'm truly sorry, I did kinda make that statement (Do all women have mpd?) out of anger. It is not something I'd normally say. But I have nothing against women at all. I just don't understand why most women's feelings change dramatically so often.

  3. I think it's only inappropiate if I was actually being serious about it, but I wasn't. All I meant by it was, "do all women's emotions change with the wind". If you would open your eyes you would've gotten that. I would change the topic name since it offends people, but I cannot.

    notto, So you're trying to imply that my boss and I are stupid? Maybe you should watch a cartoon or something, it might put a smile on your face. The only thing inappropiate about this thread is your post.

  4. Over my vacation I met someone when I least expected it. She is a very beautiful young lady and she was very kind to me. Before I didn't think anyone would ever want me. She wasn't afraid to show me she liked me, which I wish all women were like that, instead of just playing mind games. Just so you know that just irritates and confuses guys

    Anyways, she always made it a point to touch me whenever I saw her...like she'd grab my hand, put her arm around me, or touch my back or leg. Always made eye contact with me and when we'd go out with a group she'd always sit next to me.

    Well, when I left I never got a chance to get her number...and she lives (literally) 10,000 miles away. With that being said I don't think it would've worked out. But I'll always remember her and maybe we'll meet again in the future. She really opened up my eyes, I find myself not trying to read subtle signals and getting caught up in mind games anymore, if someone really likes me enough they wont be afraid to show me. I don't want to be with someone who can't tell me how they feel anyways.

  5. OK sorry about that


    Yeah, I do finish my work properly...alot of times faster than my fellow coworkers. I don't think she's mad about that, I think she would say so. I don't know it just seems like she singles me out. And it really does hurt my feelings cause we do get along well normally.

  6. (MPD=multiple personality disorder....for those that didnt know).


    Hi, I hope this is the right place to post this. Anyways, I'm very confused about this one person in particular...a coworker. She is a pretty lady, but I don't really have any interest in her and I've never really hit on her. The reason this concerns me is because she is my boss. Normally we get along and she laughs at all my jokes (even the really stupid ones). She also compliments me on my job. But then she just changes with the snap of a finger, she'll give me 'mean' looks and become aggrevated with me even though I've done nothing. And it seems like it's not my work she's mad at, it seems personal...like it's only me she's mad at. I don't know what I've done to make her mad. Then two days later she's all nice again. And round and round we go. I find myself trying to avoid her as much as possible and if I do speak to her I keep it on a professional level. I know I should probably confront her, but I don't really know how to go about doing that. I know work isn't supposed to be fun, but do I have to put up with this too?

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