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Posts posted by jinkylovesyoo

  1. thanks swing.


    thats true isnt it? if we keep on having sex that doesnt give him any reasons to come back to me. I know i was thinking about that last week, so this week when i did see him, we didnt have sex. I want him to be able to know what hes missing. I hope he isnt using me, and i am not using him.

    i guess im just so weak..when it comes to him, i give in so quickly..i guess its b.c i miss him so much..but im just scared that yea he says he doesnt want to get back together and i am the one he wants to be with at the end..meaning maybe marriage....what if he falls in love with this girl and everything hes felt for me hell feel for her....ive had people tell me though our history together he will always think about, and it will always be compared. he has forgiven me which i am so grateful for b/c he had such a rough time. i dont know. i just love him and miss him so much.it sucks

  2. I was with my ex since our sophomore year in high school i was around 16yrs old. We had broken up last october2002, now im 20. Our relationship was the best thing that had happened in my life. It opened doors for me and my family and he made such a positive impact. my parents loved and trusted him to death and so did his parents of me. We were inseperable all the way thru high school. we loved each other so much. we graduated and went off to separate colleges still going strong.

    we broke up last Oct b/c i made a bad choice and i cheated on him. he was heart-broken and i didnt realize how much he loved me until that night he broke it off. I thought that maybe in a week he would come around and we could try and fix things but 2 weeks went by and he didnt call me. after about a month of not seeing or hearing..we finally saw each other again and had sex. the subject of getting back together always came out of his mouth but then we would just start arguing. since then eveytime we would see each other we would have sex..well not all the time but most.

    hes been talking to other girls and hes been talking to one paticular girl since february, and now its may. during that time hes still been seeing me.

    maybe about a month ago, he told me he still love me and that we will get back together in the future just not now b/c he still feels like he wants to have fun and enjoy the single life b/c we were together for so long. he is not commited to this girl but lately he doesnt call me or anything anymore. and when he does or when i see him we have sex. for my bday last month he took me to LA/disneyland for the weekend which was great b/c it was the first time since we broke up taht we got to spend time togeter and remember how much we mean to each other. the other girl didnt know he went with me. i dont know what to do..i do know he loves me, maybe im just being selfish and i need to move on with my life. but i love him so much and i know that he is the one for me..i just dont know how to handle this situation...or what to say to him...we both still wear our promise rings..which is maybe a good sign. could she just be temporary hapiness?..i mean if he was really over me, would he have taken me to LA..or would he be still talking to me...i mean we have probably told each other in the last 8 months were not gonna talk anymore, but we always find our way back to see or talk again.that has to mean something right? why the both of us cant let go?..i just want to know what you guys think..hes not a bad person and i dont want anyone to hate and be like..hes a player, etc...b/c he is a single guy. But what should i do?? ive been so depressed ever since.

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