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Posts posted by TinaTakeMeBack

  1. its beem 3 f*ckin weeks and i have almost fully recovered from my breakup but then on saturday the 17th the phone rings and guess who it is its my ex Tina and the first words outta her mouth are "hey" "cant call me anymore?" and im thinkin (what the hell?? she ignores me in school and im supposed to call her??) but besides that she tells me that things haven't gone the way she has planned between us and she asked me if i was moving on to another girl i said "no" not at the moment and i asked hert are you trying to meet someone else? she said "i dont know" now im all confused when she says she doesnt know but she said i am still the only guy she "talks" to and she still has "alot of feelings for me" i still have feelings for her but that addiction for her is gone. so people please help me (preferably girls) what is going to happen with us cuz i dont know wether to MOVE ON OR HOLD ON so please give me some tips/advice on how to make her understand/love me again.

  2. its been about 2 weeks since we broke up, I called her last night just to see how she was doing and to ask her a few things. I asked her how her doctors appointment went, if she had received the letter that i wrote her and i asked her why she doesnt talk to me when i see her in school

    well... she said her appoinment had gone well and she explained to me what had happened, then she told me that she had received my letter and that she thought that i had seen her reading it in the hall, i asked her if she understood it and if she thought it was stupid she said "NO" i dont know if she said it because she didnt want to hurt me or if she really understood what i said. just so u know in the letter i explained how i felt about the talk we had i told her i needed time to un-attach myself to her because she claimed i was "way too attached" in the letter i also told her that i miss her and i think now that we have realized the problems in our relationship we can fix it and adjust because our problems were that neither of us showed love for eachother i was very hesitant about doing things and she had a habit of pulling away and getting angry and now that i know that my shyness bothers her i have gotten the strength to actually show her how i feel DOES ANYONE THINK THIS WAS THE WRONG THING TO DO? in the ending i told her that i love her and i still believe in us so dont give up on me because im not giving up on her.

    and one more question she said that "talking to me now in person feels awkward" but i always notice her staring at me when we are in the same place are there still feelings for me? i need to know


    thank you for your time


  3. she called me back today telling me she still has feelings for me and then we started talking about our plans again she said she will like to wait till summer to talk to me and she recomends that i find a female friend to talk to but "if i planned to date her Tina would be hurt" does anybody think that this will work a 2nd time and why would she want me to talk to another girl but not date her???

  4. About a 2 years ago i met this girl she is so beautiful and i love her personality. i waited a year to finally ask her out. we started going out in december everything was good until mid april when she started getting into these "bad moods". the day after my birthday (april 30) she broke up with me her reason was that she "didnt feel the same about us" and she was confused on how she felt

    so everyday after our break up she called me telling me to cheer up and get over the break up because things were goin to be the same but things changed drasticly she ignored me when i saw her in school and she seemed to be out of it, but everyday she still called me in a happy mood and she told me she was comfortable with saying "i love you".

    today i was w/ her and her friends and i asked her why she was so quiet she wrote me a note saying "im not comfortable with saying i love you anymore" and she told me she needs space. i asked her was there any chance of us getting back together she said she doest feel that way right now my question is will she ever feel that way again? and how can i help her??????

    she called me tonight (5/9) and talked to me about a letter i wrote and she wrote me a letter back explaining how she wasnt talking to any other guys and how we need to be apart right now because shes confused about how she feels.

    she said i "took her for granted" and "never showed her how much i love her" and i realized that it was true but i can change i was unsure of what she wanted but now i know. she said she would love to give me a second chance but she doesnt want to go through all that stress again. i mean should i tell her that if she loves me like she says she does she will be willing to do anything for me and that includes giving me a second chance please help me out with some advice or a plan i love this girl and i cant let her leave me is it too late???

    thank you for your time

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