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Posts posted by gaurav

  1. Do you have family? Family can always help! Firstly help you with money, but it looks like your child is making thing worse. Can you get a member of family to live with you for a short while to look after your child while you go to work?


    Or your husband looks after your child at night while you can get a night job. Im sure you will be very tired, but I can only see you getting a job as the best way to get out of this!


    I do not know where you live, but im from the UK and the government gives benefits if your in trouble and support etc. Since your troubles have occurred due to you and your husbands job lose and you have a baby, the council would help you a lot! Does your state, council etc give benefits etc. That would also help you a lot!

  2. my dad nearly kicked me out of the house for saying that i dont want to get a degree!


    I will go to college, however they expect me to go to a better school then that, and as I am not they see me as an ordinary guy, who will live an ordinary life, and im from an indian family, they want you to be the best!

  3. im from an indian family too and i can understand how strict they can be. My parents expect me to get a levels, get a highly paid job and get a good wife when im 25! And most indian parents expect the same thing.


    Im sorry to say, but I think your mum isn't going to be too happy. Many Indian parents want you to be a normal successful person, and too them being gay isn't normal. However Indian familes have started to change. My parents were extremely strict indian family, and they still are. However they have eased up a little. Hopefully your parents have too.


    However you have to tell them straight. Get your mum and dad in 1 room but not the rest of your family. Turn off all tvs radios etc and tell them. When you have told them, let them decide what they think and what they think you should do. Hopefully they will accept, or even will not mind your sexuality. However do not tell the rest of your family at the same time. Let your parents decide firstly if they want to tell your family. If they do not and you want to, this might cause too much stress for them, as I know Indian familes keep personal news too themselves and im afraid to say, even if they accept the fact that you are gay, they might not like the rest of the family to know. I have overheard Indian parents taking about people behind their backs, and im scared that your parents will not want the rest of your family to talk about your sexuality.


    But whatever you do try not to argue with them. Indian familes are rash. My dad has nearly kicked me out of house once when i lost my temper with him and just shouted at him! However my mum saved me. So just let them do what they want, if just letting them know you are gay is enough.


    Hopefully you do not have a typical indian family as I have described. However Indian familes are changing to western ways so they might be ok with it. GOOD LUCK. SORRY IF I HAVE MADE IT HARDER FOR U!

  4. im a 16 year old kid from london uk. And basically im a top student whos gonna get good grades in my test this year etc. However I have been regulary late by like 10 secs each day to school. I thought this didnt matter, however my school have now told me I cannot continue to their six form, to do my next tests because of this.


    The problem is my parents expect me to go to this school as it is a good school and i believe they will not be too happy if i told them i didnt get in for such a small thing and i believe they will disown me and kick me out of my home.


    Can anyone help?

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