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Posts posted by bootowserbow

  1. I have been going out with my boyfriend in a steady relationship for ten months. He is everything a want, we have fun and i know he truley loves me.

    the problem is I think he is losing interest. If i dont suggest nights out or holidays- we wouldnt go anywhere. I never get small tokens of affection and he just seems to act like he is going out with me as a duty.

    I do everything for him and this could be the start of the problem i cook, clean, take him places, shower him with affection. basically he knows im there no matter what! should i play games and let him chase me more?

    Last night was my deciding point that something had to be done.

    Normally we see each other 5/7 night a week, so he never came to my house after work. I called him at his parents where he lives and he was there. he said his dad was cooking dinner so he had to go. (i was not bothered by this) I was bothered by the fact he hadnt let me know. then during a very disinterested and short conversation he said "is that all you called for?" "ok see you next week"- now dont get me wrong this is his humour trying to wind me up, but its insensitive especially when i am trying to win back his love.I do know deep down he loves me but he doenst appreiciate me just now.


    Help- how can i get his interest back!

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