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Fraggle Gobo

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Posts posted by Fraggle Gobo

  1. Just a quick note unless you've gone ahead and shaved already. Be CAREFUL when you're shaving you're balls. Lots of folds and creases and what have you is a little frightening with a sharp rasor, but you get used to it. And remember, don't drink and shave.

  2. Hello again. Thank you all so much for your flavorful replies. Especially Tinkerbell and her attempt at scaring me into never having sex at all (didn't work unfortunately; or fortunatly, whichever). And especially one of the last ones saying I should do some volunteer work. I have in the past (not kids or the elderly, though)and I have wonderful memories of doing such. Part of the reason I haven't done more is my desire to connect more to my own friends and age group. Ahhh that last line is so memorable. "Children, not prostitutes". Can't say I didn't chuckle like a criminally insane baby when I read that.


    Thanks, I'll reply again should I get some more. You guys truly are helpful.



  3. Hi everyone. I'm a shy 21 yr old virgin, who's only been on a couple of dates, never successfully initiating a relationship with a woman. I've had virtually no sexual experience. It's been almost 3 years since I've even kissed a girl, and I've certainly never been farther around the bases than that. I'm lonely. I'm sad most of the time and I've had an ongoing crush on a friend of mine for nearly a year. I guess that's just the tip of the iceberg in where I stand in this category, but I won't digress.


    I've been looking into getting an escort for a couple of months; still debating on whether it's the right thing to do or not. I've been looking at many different "providers" and I'm pretty confident the one I choose isn't going to rip me off or give me a bad "girlfriend experience", as they often call it on their websites. I don't think I would regret it terribly either. I'm sure most guys don't really look back on their first time with too much fondness for the experience or the girl they were with for that matter. But maybe I'm wrong.


    Above all, I long to be with someone. The girl I have a crush on is more or less out of the picture. She never really found out that I liked her, but I think she might have figured it out. She never really returned my phone calls anyway. Now I haven't seen her in like a month; just trying to forget about her. I might post anotherthing about her later though.


    So what do you think? Should I go ahead and get the escort? I suppose I'm looking for a confidence boost. Of course the pure satisfaction might only last a few days, but the experience could be an invaluable tool to help me get over the fear of dating. My inexperience sexually is definitelly something I'm ashamed of. Of course, I think it would be nice to hold out for someone I'm in love with, but that might not even happen with a woman that doesn't refer to her lays as "clients". Besides, it's not that I don't (hopefully) have many years ahead of me for sex with a woman I am truly in love with.

  4. I doubt that sneezing is any part of an orgasm; at least for a guy, which is my experience. They use different muscles after all. But why shouldn't one get off on it if they want to? Some people are turned on by the strangest things, sneezing could be on the list of those. I do like the sinus relief that comes after a good sneaze.


    money, get away,

    get a good job with more pay and you're O.K.

  5. [/i]note: i used commas to put spaces in b/c it won't allow me to put spaces at the beginning of a line.[/i]




    Blinded by life's colours

    I cast reels into darkness.

    I stood there and paused

    I caved into its eyes.

    ,, Not god. not devil. the beast

    ,, waded and stared

    and stared until I didn't need

    to look to feel its brawny pulse.


    ,, I felt most serene. Then

    I couldn't quite breathe.

    I moved and it grabbed hold of my throat.


    The wind bathed through my hair

    I pretend you are here. I kiss

    your warm shoulder.

    That made it all stop


    It didn't of course. That's

    why I had to turn and run.

    must the beast be always behind me?

    I cry sometimes when my mind

    kisses your lips and rests on

    your thigh. I pretend you are here.


    I'm scared I'll never feel

    , a hearts rhythm bid me to sleep.

    I'll make love to you. and read to you.

    , and show you a good time.

    I'm scared I won't be around to

    , see joy fill your eyes.

    I'm still running and running

    , I have no idea why.

    The beast is still behind me.

    I turned and saw it wink.






    I left this one untitled. i would like to read some responses, so if anything, try and give it a name. if you're at all intrigued by this poem, I'm going to post an advice inquiry in a few days, so please try to respond to that to. or insted of. or whatever. I'm lonely and terrified of single girls. I'm a 20 yr old guy, sort-of slim with long, pretty (so everyone tells me) hair.

    I wrote this poem in sortof a depressed frenzy, and thought it was brilliant when i read it over right away. the next day i thought it was cliche, kindof lame. now i'm starting to like it again. I've never shown it to anyone. thanks for reading!

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