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Posts posted by ruku

  1. No, I'm not on any medication. I was on Ibuprofen for the pain in my leg, but it doesn't hurt that bad anymore, so I don't take it anymore. It's been about a month since I've taken any. My injury is supposed to be only temporary, although it is taking a long time to heal. I'm used to being on crutches though, so I don't think my leg is really the problem (as far as me being depressed).


    I've talked to him a little about the video game. He has been laying off it a little, but the effects of the game are still present; he gets distracted easily, he has a hard time paying attention (to me or anything), and he gets lost in his own little world a lot. Heck, I used to play video games a lot before we started dating, and I know these side effects really well. That's why I stopped playing when we started going out. He wasn't always like this. He just got hooked on this game recently. I know how addicting these online games can be (seriously, its scary!), which is why I don't play them. (Do you think there's a patch?)


    He is the main caregiver for his relative, who needs help with stuff around the house. I understand that, and respect that. It's just I can't see how we're ever going to live together and be close enough to help her when she needs it. Unless I move in to their house (which I don't think she'd really like). I understand though, we've only met a couple times, and it would be weird for her to have pretty much a stranger living in her house.


    But if I get an affordable apartment (if I can find one around where he lives) he still won't be able to see me as much, and then I really won't be close enough to see my friends (but they're always busy anyways, so maybe I need to get some new friends). Maybe I should volunteer like you're going to do, Gracelove. At least I wouldn't be lonely some of the day!

  2. My boyfriend and I have been going out for a while now. We get along really well, but lately I've been depressed. There are a number of reasons for this: 1. My leg's injured and my mobility's limited, 2. My boyfriend's been too busy to hang out with me (he's got school, work, family, and one of those addicting online games that eats up all his time) 3. I live alone, no pets and very few friends out here. 4. Add school and work on top of that, and its all driving me nuts.


    It seems that everyone is too busy to talk to me, even my friends and family (which I can understand; they all have jobs and busy lives).


    But the thing that really gets me depressed is this:

    I'm not happy here (this college town that I'm currently living in). But my boyfriend has lived here all his life. He's been really hinting that I should stay out here even after graduation. I'd like to try living with him, but he's in a situation where he has someone at home he needs to take care of, so he won't be able to live with me in an apartment.

    I know, it sounds like he just wants me to be his convenient girlfriend with her own place that he can visit whenever he has time. But he's offered to help pay rent (although, since he's never lived on his own, I believe he has absolutely NO idea what he's getting into that way). I'm tired of living alone, though, and really tired of living alone here, where my family and friends are miles and miles away.


    He really is a nice guy, though, and I really really like him. He tells me he loves me all the time. We get along great. We've talked about marriage and wanting kids and all. He's told me several times that I'm the love of his life. I like him too, and I never ever want to break his heart. It's just that right now, I don't really see how a future (where both sides are happy) together with him is possible. I guess I just need something to give me hope for us.

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