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Posts posted by sadkittycat

  1. i want to thank everyone who gave me advice over the last few days...

    i learned today from a friend that he did infact get back together with his ex. and that they are moving into the apartment that i helped him get. it seems as though that he may have started seeing her again before the "break" and this makes me sad, as my heart is broken. however i hope that the fact that it is all over and that there is no more stringing me along will help me find closure. i truly loved him and hope that he finds happyness the second time around.

    goodbye kevin, thank you for all the good times we had together, thank you for teaching me that i am able to love again... you will always be in my heart.

  2. i want to thank everyone for their advice. im still not sure what to do, one min i think that nc is the best way to go while other times i think that i will never be able to frogive myself if i just sit here and to nothing to let him know how i feel. last night i woke up at three desperatly wanting to call him.

    this morning while i was walking into work someone with the same car as him honked at me while i was crossing the bridge. i didnt see the driver but now im wondering if it was him. he knows that i cross that bridge every day at the same time, but there is nowhere for cars to slow down or stop for miles past where i work. at first i was positive that it was him, and wanted to call his cell right away, but now doubt that it was only wishful thinking has crept into my mind.

    i so confused, i cant sleep or eat, and i miss him so much.

  3. its been a few days but i still havent heard from him, i miss him alot. he hasnt shown up at my friends house for guys night in this week and hasnt talked to anyone since it happened. im worried about him.

    i wish i just knew if he was getting back together with her so that i could just put my mind at ease with the situation. i think that we were so good together and that it is a shame that we didnt get a fair chance, but i also want him to be happy.

    since he asked for space, im going to give it to him, but i just dont want to give up and never talk to him again, ill miss his friendship. i think that in the short time that we were a couple i started having "loving" feelings for him, and it scares me that he might not know how i feel for him.

    is it ok to call in two weeks if i dont hear from him? not to tell him how i feel, but just to see how hes doing?

    ps. hes got alot of my things how long do i wait to get them back? i dont want to use them as an excues to see him, but they are things of value...

  4. No he doesn't have a pattern of breaking it off suddenly with women, when I told our friends they were completely shocked at his behavior because he had just been telling them that he liked me so much.


    During our "break-up" he just kept telling me that it really had nothing to do with any thing that I had done, that he really liked/likes me but that he was confused as to how he felt and that he needed time to sort his feelings out. He wasn't sure he was going to go back to her but that he couldn't say that he wasn't going to either. This leads me to think that I should just leave him alone, but im having a hard time fighting the urge to call him. It's the long weekend and I wonder if hes gone to see the ex-girlfriend (she lives about 3.5 hours away) and I would hate to call him if hes with her, I also don't want to push him farther away by bugging him too much.


    To be honest this isn't the first time the ex has been a problem in our short relationship, I didn't know her at all because she lived so far away and she rarely came to visit. But when she first heard about us getting together she dove down here and asked for him back, but he wouldn't have anything to do with her, told her that he was seeing someone new and was happy with the way that things were going. He told me about this right away and made sure that I wasn't to worry because she was totally out of the picture. I have also heard that when they were together that all they did was fight.


    Now im worried that I was only a rebound girl, but its had to believe since hes liked me for so long and seemed so smitten with me during the time we were together that I was only being used


    In a few days hes going to be moving in to an apartment that I helped him find, its close to my work and it will be hard for me to think of him there.


    I just don't think that this is something that I want to just turn my back on, I feel like I have to do something to reassure him that what we had was worth fighting for, but I don't want to come out of this looking like a fool if he truly would be happier with her.


    If I do call him how long should I wait (we broke up on Saturday but haven't seen each other since last monday), and what should I say...

  5. Two months ago I started seeing a really great guy, the best friend of my best friends husband. Ive know him for a few years but we never hooked up because we were always with other people but I know that hes had a little crush on me for the entire time. Ive been single for well over a year and have finally moved on from my long term ex, while he broke up with his ex in January- it was a messy breakup that involved her smashing up his car.


    he's the sweetest person I have ever met, always buying me flowers and opening the car door and gushing over me to all his friends, we got along really well, never fought. things progressed really quickly but we discussed it as we went along and both felt ready for a committed relationship. We were seeing each other almost everyday...


    Well up until yesterday, when he called me to break things off. It turns out that his ex called him up and confessed that she was still in love with him. He told me that this confused him and that he no longer knows what he wants and that he needed time to sort things out, he said that he thinks that he was falling in love with me and it has nothing to do with me, just his baggage, he said that he wasn't sure that they would get back together but that he didn't think that it was fair to me that he was feeling this way.


    Im hurt that he ended things over the phone, and im confused as to if we are really broken up or if we are on a break, he said that he needs time to sort it out, but I was left feeling dumped...


    Im not sure what my next move is here... do I just wait and see, or I do I fight for something that I think is worth it...

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