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Posts posted by slimyshady

  1. yea thanks guys,


    I did a lot of self reflection and yes I am willing to change the negative things.... It takes two to tango so I see that... the things is, I am very sure she would call just to say hi or quite simply hear my voice... what do I do then?

  2. well, i stupidly broke NC and things got no where.... she feels lonely etc but she feels it won't work out anymore... So i simply told her DO NOT CALL ME unless you want me to take you back. but how do i maintain NC? it is so difficult. She will call... I see her in school. And yes how do i know if she is calling to try to work things out or because she is lonely?



  3. Yesterday she came over after class to talk to me while I was on my way out.. We talked and laughed a bit (abt nothing) I kept my distance ..... NO babies or I love yous etc... Then I had to go.. I made it an effort NOT to call or msg.... Absense makes the heart grow fonder... If it it she'll come back to me... If not well, there is nothing I can do bout that right?

  4. Yeah for the moment I am not going to contct her.... I don't see a point... Well I do hope things work out... Honestly I don't see anything I can do to make things better... She has to see it for herself. If not, well I guess, nothing can be done... The best story of my life would have been over.... But then again * * * * happens

  5. Hey thanks for the reply!


    I appreciate any comments.. Well the reasons for the break up was that she felt the was no more spark in the relationship and she doesn't feel the same way anymore.... I feel this is because about 1.5 months back she started a part time job which took up all her time, made her irritable and stressed all the time ( the same pt our relationship dived) well I think we both made mistakes and I told her as long as we are willing to learn and move together there is hope... We were together almost 8 months.

  6. Firstly I'd like to thank Kellbell and Superdave When things got depressing i read their posts.....


    Anyways my gf and I broke up last wk... awful. I am lucky I read this forum and kinda got myself together... I went through alot of pain and suffering. Yesterday (after one wk) we went out together for a drink well things started awfully with us arguing and such.... But we finally cooled down and went for a drink... There we talked about stuff (nothing really) and things went well... I brought her home where we talked a bit (outside her house I did not go in) I realised that she is very confused and depressed over things and she said she needed sometime for herself.. So I told her she should figure herself out first... Then maybe she'd realise if I am important to her ... She was sad saying she wld probably regret this and hope she doesn't realise all this too late... So I told her to find herself and told her this was not our final goodbye. We smiled, hugged and I turned and left... Trust me that was one of the most difficult things to do in life.. But I am glad I did not break down in front of her ( I did after I left and was alone) I am glad I handled this like a man.... We are in the same class in college and a while back she came over to chat a bit... But I am trying to keep contact to a minimum... I am quite confident we will get back together ( ok more like I hope)


    what do u guys think?

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