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Posts posted by cm06

  1. Thanks for all of the advice. What all of you said does make a lot of sense. It's just that when we first broke up I'd dream about the day that he'd come back and now that he is it's hard. If my ex does ask to hang out again, do you think I should keep making excuses or just tell him that I'm serious with my new bf? If he doesn't want to get back together I don't want to sound stupid by assuming that, although he has made it pretty obvious. Also, should I tell the whole story to my current bf? I don't want him to worry about everything when he shouldn't. Thanks again.

  2. So my ex and I broke up almost 3 years ago after dating for almost 3 years. We were 17 when we started dating and 20 when we broke up. We were each other's first loves and everything so the break up was very hard on me, especially since he was the one who wanted it. About 6 months after we broke up I started dating a new guy who I'm still with. I love him very much and he's a great guy. My family and friends love him and everyone says how compatible we are. Since my ex and I broke up I have had no contact with him since I didn't want to get hurt. I'd hear how he was doing through one of my mutual friends and I knew he had gotten a new gf around the time my bf and I started dating.

    Well just recently I saw him for the first time since the break up. He told me how he and his gf had just broken up. Since this time, he has been IMing me and when I saw him yesterday he was asking how serious I am with my current bf. It seems like he is interested in getting back together but he has never come out and said that. The problem is is that even after all these years and even though I have a great bf, I still can't help but feel something for him. I don't know if it's because he was my first love or if it's some nostaglia feeling. I just still feel that same connection I felt years ago. I feel so guilty and don't know what to do. I don't want to get back together with him and ruin what could be a very good thing with my current bf, I want to stop feeling this way for him. It's been so long and he's the one who broke my heart. I don't know how to stop my feelings for him. Should I go back to no contact? Any advice would be so helpful. Thanks so much.

  3. Hey everyone,


    My ex and I broke up almost 3 years ago. Since then, we have both gotten involved in serious relationships and are still with the new people. I am very happy with my boyfriend and from what I hear he is happy with his gf. One of my best friends still keeps in touch with my ex and he is going out with us for her birthday next week. Now I do not know if the gf will be there but my bf won't be able to make it. I know that it has been a while and we are both in serious relationships. However, it was a bad break-up (he wanted it and I did not), he was my first love and all of that. When I think about seeing him my stomach drops. I don't know why. Is this normal? And do you have any tips on how to handle seeing him and possibly his gf after so long? Any advice would be great, thank you so much!

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