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Posts posted by Caveman

  1. Im not sure if you can only post creation here but this is a song by the Raconteurs. Im a big fan of Jack and I bought their new album yesterday. Those lyrics expressed very well the way I feel sometimes or things I go throught. I also love the song

  2. "Together"


    You and me forever

    We belong together

    And we'll always endeavor

    Throughout any type of weather


    You want everything to be just like

    The stories that you read but never write

    You gotta learn to live and live and learn

    You gotta learn to give and wait your turn

    Or you'll get burned


    You wrote our names down on the sidewalk

    The rain came and washed 'em off

    So we should write 'em again on wet cement

    So maybe people a long time from now will know what we meant


    You want every morning to be just like

    The stories that you read but never write

    You gotta learn to live and live and learn

    You gotta learn to give and wait your turn

    My only concern


    I'm adding something new to the mixture

    So there's a different hue to your picture

    A different ending to this fairytale

    When the sunset into which we sail


    You want everything to be just like

    The stories that you read but you can't write

    You gotta learn to live and live and learn

    You gotta learn to give and wait your turn

    Or you'll get burned

  3. I can relate to that experience. What do you visualise when you are talking with her? Why not visualise that you are going to NOT talk to her and use some reverse psychology on yourself. Make a visualisaiton contrary to what you want to happen, and see if what you want to happen will work.


    lol That is a well tought idea but I'm not sure it would work for me . Really, my problem is that I tend to go too far in my tought. Often, my vision will end up to something that is impossible. I think I just need to stop thinking and act a bit more

  4. Hello, this might seems a bit weird but I have a really bad habit that I can't seem to get rid off. When I want to do something I will vizualise it in my head but won't do it. For exemple, I might see myself going and talk to a pretty girl but in reality nothing will happen. The same thing can happen for more common thing like talking about an issue with a friend or a family member. It seems my life is filled with these occurrence, like they happen more than once each day. What do you think is the cause of this ? How can I solve this problem ? I know some will say, well dont vizualise those things, just do it but it doesnt happen...



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