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Posts posted by Solenopsis

  1. I admit to those who have accused, that I certainly have developed a fascination with death. Let it be a warning to you then... a life of wickedness, druguse, and selfishness will damage more that you could ever imagine. I don't care to wait around any more so I say my anonymous farewell.


    I realize now that it was inappropriate for me to post my intentions on a forum such as this. I am no longer fit to interact with, and I am too dangerous live with others. It's clear to me now that I should impose as little as possible on others so I will make sure that no one finds me when I leave. Thank you for input. I will not post again.

  2. So I'v been planning my death for a while now and I'm pretty sure how I want to go but I'm always open to suggestion. I don't want to die too quickly, I want to feel it if theres anything interesting during the dying process. The key is to loose consciousness slowly so I can be as aware as possible when the moment comes when I go under. So my guess is that I have to bleed for a while...


    I apologize if this post seems extreme for those of you that aren't ready. If anything, use it as a contrast to how different your situation is from mine. I would estimate that 99% of people that post on these websites are looking for help. I'm posting this because I realize that there are smarter people than me out there that may have some medical or philisophical insight to enhance my exiting experience.


    Please let go of any superficial responses telling me about how I can improve my life or why I should live. None of you know me or could possibly have any serious interest in me that's not tied to some ridiculous common good philosophy. Please be respectfull and answer the question or go post somewhere else. I'm a mean * * * * * and you don't owe me anything.


    So... What is the best way to die?



    Here is what I have...


    *Guns are no good: too hard to control, damage is either too fast or not good enough. I don't want to die instantly and I don't want to be on life support because I missed...


    * Fire sucks too: big a risk of surviving. I doubt I could resist the urge to put it out with so much pain. Plus if you use too much you just pass out.


    * jumping: Not sure. Probably the most fun, but the end is too fast and if it's a long fall there's too much time and pressure to regret your decision.


    * Poison: I guess it depends on the poison... but the the pain would be unusual enough to distract you from reality. Plus, who the hell knows the dosage.


    *drowning: Too fast. Plus there's no imagination in that. Then again there's something primordial about returning to the sea.


    *freezing: Just go out or travel to the cold. I'v always hated the cold but it's an option.


    *Electrocution: who the hell know how to do that.


    *bleeding: So far the best option. You can control it, you learn the right spots, and you can drift away.

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