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Posts posted by birdy

  1. I am very sad because my long-distance relationship of 3 years has just come to an end.


    Here is the story: my ex-girlfriend is from the Netherlands and I am from one of Eastern European countries. We met on Internet and maintained a long-distance relationship that seemed to be working very well at the beginning. We used to see each other every two months (sometimes even more often). However, after several months, she suggested I move in with her. It took me a few months to make up my mind and it wasn't an easy decision, but I decided not to move in with her, for many reasons. But I told her I would apply for a job in one of the European Union institutions located in Brussels in order to be closer to her. Last year I got a grant for a five-month traineeship in Brussels and went there. It was wonderful, we could see each other almost every weekend. But it ended quickly and I had to go back to my country. I noticed she became distant and we saw each other less and less since then. She didn't want to come to visit me for a long time and in January this year I made her confess on-line that she was feeling very lonely and considering breaking up with me. I couldn't believe it and decided to try even harder to make our long-distance relationship work. In the meantime I applied for a job in one of the European Union institutions (but based in Luxembourg, not Brussels) and got selected for the post. I was very happy about it and truly believed it would be easier to see each other once I move to Luxembourg (it is five-six hours drive from where she lives, and the plane tickets are less expensive, besides I will have a very well-paid job). I am planning to move there in the last week of May/at the beginning of June. Two weeks ago she came to visit me in my country to tell me, as it turned out, that she was breaking up with me. She said that after I decided to accept the job in Luxembourg, she realized that I would never move in with her and since it is too difficult to continue a long-distance relationship, she had to break up with me. I cried and begged her to change her mind, but she didn't. She says that she still loves me, though and wants to be friends with me, if I want it too. I don't know what to do, please say what you think of this all.

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