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Posts posted by omega

  1. I know that I probably gave the impression that I felt sad because it was her, but it was really from school and at home. What's ironic is that the day she broke up with me, I asked her "can we talk?", and I was about to straighten out everything so that she wouldn't feel guilty and other stuff to make our relationship stronger. But then she just said she thought we shouldn't be together anymore.

  2. I've been going with GF for about over 4 months now, and I just wanted your advice on this. She recently just broke up with me for these reasons:


    1. "I make you feel sad"

    2. "How do you know I'm the right one for you?"


    I would go out of my way to go see her or to pick her up and she wouldn't do the same back most of the time, that's what made me feel sad. But that's not really a big deal (or is it?). We went through so much stuff together, and I mean a lot for just 4 months. She made it seem everything was her fault. Now, she's saying to my friends the reason why she broke up with me was because she felt that she was getting in the way of my friends, but my friends fully understand that I love her so they support me and don't get mad about it (I spend more time with my friends than I do with her since our lunches our in different periods, and I see my friends more than her, what is she talking about?) She's been acting normal lately as if nothing has happened. I wanted to work things out with her, and I still do, but should I? I want to get back together, but how?

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