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Posts posted by twinkletoes28

  1. Hey, I been with my boyfriend now for almost 11 months, and wow its been awesome..Over the past 6 days or so hes been really queit and its annoyed me I asked him what was wrong and his parents are splitting up as they are rowing a lot. I said to him I was always here for him and to talk things threw with me. But hes been really distant and he like went out with his mates instead of me ..I felt offended and said cant u spend time with me I want to help and he said i wasnt always the centre of attention to him ..that hurt


    I told him if he was going to be distant i would break up with him ..i might have been overeacting and he said yeh fine okay..like he coodnt give a toss. Then hes ignored me for 4 days without a hello and he txt me saying sorry then went and had a massive go at me for being selfish and I dont no if he loves me anymore coz he wont talk to me...What do i do!!!?? Help i cant wait any longer im desperate to talk to him!!!

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