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Posts posted by dancingpig

  1. I am currently in a really confusing "friendship" with my ex-girlfriend. We were together for 3 and a half years and broke up about 3 months ago. The relationship had really gone down hill for a number of reasons. We talk openly about the relationship and are both very aware of what we would have to do in order to make it work. The confusing thing about all of this is that we still hang out a lot and always have a really great time together. On top of this, I am positive that we both still have very strong feelings for each other, they're just very repressed in our effort to be "friends". I approached her about the situation a couple of weeks ago, and she said that she just wasn't ready for a relationship right now, because of how miserable things were prior to our split. I know that she is aware of the fact that I would like for us to work things out and get back together, but I also know that pressuring her about it is the absolute worst thing to do. Should I create more space between us in an effort to possibly make her realize what she is missing? Or, do you think its possible that our current friendship will naturally evolve into something better than what we had before? I need advice from a different perspective than my own, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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