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Posts posted by Free77

  1. Ha ha, no he's not the perfect husband either, he will turn around and yell at me aswell. Im a good wife, I clean the house, take the bin out, look after our daughter, dinners always on the table everynight. And Im not saying Im not perfect but it takes two. He makes me angry because he just has no common sense sometimes, and hes selfish. he will eat before he feeds his daughter even though she is crying for her bottle. Sometimes if I have a sleep in, he doesnt even give her breakfast and just a bottle. He knows he has to give her breaky, he has seen me do it and he has done it. But he just gets lazy and doesnt do it because he's tired. No that to me is not a responsible father. And it just turns me off him.

  2. Thank you DN. Yes I know all about these communication skills, but I always forget about them, I have to start using them more with hubby because I know they work. But its my anger/temper which just rises and boils which then all the communication goes out the window. But its not helping with husband yelling at me either, he has said to me that I make him sick in the mornings, basically because I asked him a question about our daughter and he answered wrong and then corrected himself after I had gotten mad at him, which makes me think he was lying in the first place. if that makes sense.

    Sorry to be negative, but I am helpful of your advice.

  3. Thank you everyone for your replies. Im not exactly sure on why I am angry all the time. But I think It comes down to the birth of my daughter, it wasnt smooth sailing and ended up with an emergency C section. This was my worst nightmare come true. But its also thinking that my husband should know how I feel and want. And I know men arnt tuned in with their emiotions as much as woman but I need his support and him to know when Im upset and need a cuddle. He also gets angry though and lashes out at me, so it just goes back and forth.

    Melrich - I have been to my doctor and he told me it wasnt PND. I have a history of depression but he didnt really help me much. I was working full time before bubs arrived but I love being a Stay at home mum for now until I go back part time.

    Lunabelle- My little daughter is everything I ever dreamed about. Except for the lack of sleep. haha. But I havnt been disappointed in any way with her. Its more me and my husband. I dont feel that he cares for me and thinks of what my days are like with her at home. The crying, the teething, the not naping. etc etc. And then on the weekends he gets angry because she wakes during the night a couple of times and he has to get up. It just make me so angry that he is so selfish at times. He doesnt think he is selfish he says that I am. I have told him I need him to support me and comfort me. But it hasnt made a difference at.

    Blueangel - Im talking, maybe I do just need to let it all out.

  4. Since having my Daughter in August last year, I have been so angry and bitter especially towards my husband, thereforeeee we are contstantly fighting. And over little things or things that can be avoided. I wake up angry, I go to bed angry and we even fight in the middle of the night. Harsh words are said between both of us and it hurts me so much because I love my husband very much and dont want to end up separated or divorced.

    I dont understand why I am so angry all the time. Nothing horrible has happened in my life. I gave birth and then it all started from there. Im sure its not post natal either. I am just ready to give up on my marriage and be alone.

    I tired of all the negativity in my body and from my husband. I want to feel positive again and be happy.

    Any advide or links on positive thoughts would be great.

    Thank you

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