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Posts posted by ArmyGirl69

  1. Hello !


    Okay i've been dating this guy for almost 2 months and he broke up with me. After 2 weeks break and 2 months from not really talking to him we come back to skool and he looks at me ALL the time,talks to me a little more... and CALLS me back.. I wasn't home, so he called back, this time i was. So his like hello "My name" ! im like hello... n his like i gatta question and tells me that his friend his interested in me... im like ok who ? and he tells me his name and i knew who it was right away when he said the guy that stares at you at school next to your locker...im like oh yea... but the guy made my ex call me ??? What the hell ?? then im like ok tell him to call my cell... then he takes my cell down... so yea, EX calls back.. says his friend wants me to call at 8 45 pm... im like no let him call his the one who wants to talk to me... his like ok... so then we talked a lil like 5 min cause he dint want to hang up... so then he calls me a third time and his like call call call ! n im like no im not calling stop... n then im like whatever bye ! n i hang up... so yesterday he calls me back AGAIN! his like his calling you im like NO im eating souper now so his like ok hell call in 10 min. im like okay... so the guess who friggin calls back n tells me that his fed up of calling me for him so im like wat the hell stop calling then... then he was really getting on my nerves and im like ..You know what im not interested in your friend (which is true) and he cant talk to me at skool and he just stares.. he starts laughing and says wow your pretty hard i cant believe i got you to go out with me... and he starts talking about me and him when he was asking me out and running after me like a dog.. then i say well i cant believe i said yes... so he dint want to hang up once again we talked like 7 to 8 min about us... then his like well ill call him and ill see you around im like yep bye... then HE CALLS ME BACK... i have a caller id and when i answered he wasnt answering then after the second hello his like..oops wrong number sorry.. .. then he laughs and tells me that his friends gonna call... then im like stop no... and then his like ya just talk to him ( i dont mind but like wat the hell is this a joke) then i just hang up and went to bed... next morning at school anthony comes up to me (first time this year WOW!) His like i called you yesterday dint work... then im like no u dint... then his like oh so-and-so gave me ur number..(my ex) and it wasnt even the right number.. he switched the 2 first numbers around... i was like um thats not the right number and gave him the right one...


    Please please please tell me what my ex is trying to do...his probably playing a little game there... but i need you guys to tell me what his trying to do...

  2. Okay im having this tiny problem. I know what to wear and all... but i wanna be sexy but i dont want men to think of me as a '*beep*'... or just be to much revealing. I dont want to be like the girl you check for 10 secs and then look away. I am good looking thats for sure.


    I wanna look nice and sexy... Being nice, nice persenality and looking sexy... example. Is it okay to wear a pink-peach mini skirt (not to short though) and a top (white).. not tank top though, but its nice and thight.


    Is that okay or do i look kinda.. slutty?? I dont want men to look at me and just say "" and then looking back the other way without coming and talking to me... you know what i mean...?

  3. Ok.. Oh my gosh... This guy i met, at cheers...one wensday night.. Ok his two friends massimo and frank talked to me and adored me in a.. "ur so cute" way... so ya.. they were making me laugh so much and everything... i was cracking up all the time, i was really having fun and all...then i noticed this kinda cute blond guy, at first i wasnt really attracted to him. As the night went on he kept staring at me.. when i was looking or not. Then he found what ever reason to come up and talk to me. So yea... he kept saying.. "what is a nice girl like you doing in a bar like this" "Guys must be drooling over you" "you have such persinality...i work in a club as bartender and your really put out from all of the other girls i see.. let me tell you! there gonna buy you jewelry and if its not real ur not gonna take it.. haha!" and he also offered me a drink.. so yea then i was starting to get attracted to him. now the problem is... when my cousin that is 27 years old told the blond guy that i like now that is 23 years old.. that i was 15.. he couldnt believe it .. he was in complete shock .. he was like "*beep*!"..((i do NOT look my age.. i look 18)) then he told my cousin that he would date me.. but then he said that she would ''kill'' him because im under-aged (kill as an expression).. so ya.. omg! then after that... i dont really remember there.. i had to leave because my lift had to go... so i said bye to frank.. who told me to call him in 2 years lol... i couldnt say bye to brian bcuz i couldnt find him and neither massimo.. so ya... then saturday came up and i ended up going to his club with people he knows as well. so apparently... my cousin heard him say somehing like.." thats the cute girl i met at cheers , shes so nice.." he said that to his co worker that served me a drink...


    Ok now i want to now if i should ask matt.. my friend that knows him to give me his number and call... omg i really want to see him again. i dont care if im under aged or not... im not immature.. he is a little so.. what ever... this can maybe workout... ok now i want to know what i should do.. call him... or not... because he dint ask my number or nothing.. but he did take his cell phone out of his pocket for no reason at cheers...


    Please answer me i really want to know what i should do. and if yes i should call... id like to now what i should tell him.. you know.. after a couple of weeks without seeing that guy a met once and calling him out of the blue!!


    Im sorry.. but i dont really wanna hear any "its illegal!" or no his to old or you shoudnt go into bars or clunb ur 15! lol everyone goes even if there 15 or 16 ... please just help !



  4. Hi!


    Okay let's get to the point lol ... Like today i went for my first job training which is a camp. And we met ALL of the workers and there was this cute guy! So when he enters the place where the meeting was held, he sat kind of next to me and my friend with HIS friend (that glaced at me time to time)


    So then we went to the downstairs of the camp place and we had to sit on the floor so the guy and his friend sat next to me (just like that) I felt like they were both trying to sit next to me, I don't know if it's by coincidence but thats not the end of the storie...


    Then we had to do teams and meet the workers and all and work together as a team (team work) so he finished by getting in my group (lol)


    Then again we did an other thing and he ended up in my group.


    After that it was the break for 10 minutes, so he went to our table where we were seated three, me, my friend and my friends friend 'rachel' lol... and the guy i have lets say 'crush' on is rachels friend...


    After that we had to go downstairs again. weirdly, both sat next to me. and weirdly AGAIN (lol) we ended up being in the same group. ( by the way we choose with who we want to be with... )


    I catch him glacing at me, but not that much. and when his looking at me his pupils are dilated (so are his friends pupils, plus i cath him glance at me MORE then the guy im interested ... )


    Okay so at lunch, he sat with us again. But he din't even tell me a word! just sometimes i laughed at his jokes but thats all... all the friggin time he talked to rachel ((who was, by the way, not very pretty. Not to be mean though...)) and his friend... that looked at me... lol


    So yea... at the end of lunch we went downstairs again... he sat further from me like at the end of the room, lets say... so we had to form a group of 10 so yeah in my groupe we were more then 10 and we were saying it to everyone that came and wanted to be with us... so then the cute guy and his friend walks up to us from the other side of the room to be in our groupe, plus he could of gone in an OTHER groupe than mine... but sadly they had to go in an other groupe ...


    I'm so sorry for the friggin LONG story. But could someone tell me if im dreaming or this guy is actually interested???


    Im confused... Oh and I'm seeing him soon again... an other camp meeting thing.. june 3rd heehee



  5. Nope i AINT in an army school, lol, im a perfeclty normal ''hot'' gial lol.


    Sadly he isnt in any of my classes, hes in sec. 3 n im in 2,((but suposed to be in 3 though, -.- oh well...))... Argh, maybe im imaginating things but no... cant be imaginating... he DOES look at me alot...but i dont have the nerves to go up to him and talk

  6. Okay there's this cute guy in my school and I noticed he looks at me everythime he passes by me... Like last year i wasn't interested in the guy and he looked at me when I was near, at first I thought I was imaginating things but then even my friend noticed. Now this year, still the same, and like his friends look at me too like all the time they see me! But now weirdly im kinda interested in him... I dont know how the hell i got interested in him when before i dint care much about him?... Once i was at my locker with some friends and when they saw me they came near and the guy in question was kind of yelling and trying to get attention... and other little stuff...


    I never talked to the guy. Am I wasting my time wondering!? Is he interested or not...?

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