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happy lady1207

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Posts posted by happy lady1207

  1. Yeah they want to be friends, in my case and i'm not tooting my own horn but shoot, he wants me back because i was the best thing that every happened to that moron. I don't hate him but i know he will never get a piece of this good stuff.


    But back to you:


    Men want to be friends with you when they break up just incase along the road you two maybe able to get back in a relationship. (If it is permitted) Its a stupid idea. Then again maybe he feels the same way, and doesnt want to let you know he wants you back....


    Sad to say but it can also mean that he wants his ego stroked because he knows that you still want him and that makes him happy.


    Good luck!!!!

  2. In my opinion the only way to get over a situation like this, is confrontation. When my past lover hurt me with another woman, and she was around me all the time, and i had to have contact with her, I just took a deep breathe and said hi. I know its hard, but sweetie, if you do it once it will get easier with each and everytime. In my opinion, look your best and put your somewhat happiest face on, because i know you cared for him, but you have to realize you have to move on with your life...because you never know Mr. Right might be next to you when your ordering your drinks from your ex-boyfriend.

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