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Posts posted by maingate00

  1. I love my wife, we have been married for 7 years this Saturday, we were married on my birthday none the less. She was the first person that I ever slept with and i was the first for her as well.


    After we got married, she got pregnant and we have a beautiful little girl now that I love to no end. We are completel opposites, I am very home bodyish, I do not like going out, I do not like scenes, I do not like crowds, I am a very solitary person. She on the other hand likes to go out and have fun with her friends and the like.


    She ended up cheating on me the first time with an office mate of hers. A complete loser with nothing going on in his life. We separated for four or five days while I got my wits about me, she sat down with her friends and did a list of things that she liked about this guy and a list of things she liked about me. The things on this list that I found about this guy were just freaking stupid. She liked him becuase he had nice eyes and he could dance well, stupid * * * * like that.


    The only reason that I justified in my own mind that it was forgivable was that she told me the very next mornig that it had happened and that it was a mistake that she felt really bad about.


    It took awhile to get over, but I am not a divorce kind of guy, I am going to go through it, becuase I have always thought that if you put enough energy into something it will work out.


    This occurred within the first two years of our marriage. It was actually one of the main reasons that we left the city that we were in, becuase she still worked with this knothead loser schmuck. All of her friends found out, all of his friends found out, since it was a smallish town. I actually worked with this douche bags brother.


    I got a job back in my hometown, on the other coast, leaving behind a lot of heart ache and pain. Thinking that we could start anew.


    She got this job, working for a naval contractor doing help desk work and started hanging out with this pot head loser * * * * * * *. I went to this losers wedding in las Vegas, spent new years at his house. I encouraged her to go out and hang out with him and her other work mates becuase she did not have many friends and she was depressed about being where we were. I had no problems with that.


    Apparently their relationship went sour, which is the real reason that I found out about what was going on. They had been having a relationship for 3 months. It was not a intercourse relationship, but it was a heavy petting, hand job, mouth love relationship. She only told me becuase he basically dumped her and she felt bad.


    On top of all of this, she tells me a week before her birthday, I am * * * *ing pissed off to no end and she still expected some grandiose event for her birthday. Our wedding anniversary is coming up and she is expecting something big for that as well.


    I do not want to get a divorce, but she keeps saying that I am not satisfying her emotionally and she finds herself going to others for support. My argument is, no matter how mcuh I am not treating you the way that you want me to treat you, you still do not go out and suck some guys crank. That is the stupidest god damn argument to justify pounding this guys junk.


    I am sitting here knowing full well that she is a wonderful person when we are together, that I do love her, and most likely going to take her back again. But what the * * * * do I do, she has even told me, she does not know if she will do this again or not. She has even told me to go out and date other people to get her back. I honestly do not want to do that, it is not in me to do. I have spent so much money, time, and energy in courting her and trying to please her that I do not want to attempt it with another person now.


    I am just at a loss right now, it has been two weeks since she has told me and I do not know what to do. Kick her to the curb, or try and figure out what is mentally wrong with her and move on. I am at that 50/50 mark of trying to determine if I should stay, or should I just kick her cheating * * * to the curb.


    I mean a little bit of me is hurt even more so by the fact that she cheated on me with two guys that are total * * * *ing losers, some schmuck that is going to spend his entire life working as a medical records tech, and some loser pot head that lived in his car for three months before he found a woman that would marry him and pay his bills. If she cheated on me with someone that could provide a better lifestyle for her, then maybe I could sort of understand, but she picked two of the most ghetto schmuck asses on the planet.

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