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Posts posted by roamroam

  1. I also think it's completely inappropriate for an ex to stay over alone if she has a boyfriend.


    But apparently others think the way she does. My LDR boyfriend just stayed with his ex and he even told me they stayed in the same bed since there was nowhere else to sleep. I trust nothing happened, but I still find this completely disrespectful to me. And yes, I've told him that. Yes they're friends, but there still was a past relationship and I don't think I'm overreacting by finding it inappropriate.


    Why is it that some people think this is OK? Don't they consider that the current boy/girlfriend may not like the idea?

  2. I've been in an LDR for eight months, and just left visiting him for 3 months. He emails me that he's invited his ex-girlfriend to come and visit him. I know they had a relationship for 3 years and want to remain friends, and I have no problem with that. However, I feel like the minute I left he turned around to talk to her. He didn't talk to her at all while I was there.


    I know you need trust in an LDR, and I do trust him, but how do I get through all the feelings of sadness knowing that he's going to be spending time with her and not me. I've told him I wanted to know what his intentions were with her, and that while I didn't have a problem with him being friends with her, I wanted him to be honest to both me and her.


    He's supposed to come visit me next month, and while I've been really excited about seeing him again, since I've found out about his ex girlfriend visiting, I find myself sort of dreading his visit.


    I feel like I'm over reacting, but knowing that she's in the same country as him and can see him much easier than I can being accross an ocean, my mind just seems to think the worst. I don't want to be strung along clueless accross the ocean thinking about him "having the best of both worlds".


    Am I just worried about nothing?

  3. I met a guy while I was traveling, we hit it off instantly and spent the next three months traveling together. We spent every waking and sleeping moment together exploring new places. The last month I even brought him home to met my family and friends. We constantly told each other how happy we were and we both even said the 'i'm falling in love with you' phrase. By the second month of traveling together, we decided we'd be boyfriend and girlfriend. It was pure bliss until the traveling had to come to an end and now we are both at our respective homes, separated by an ocean.


    Before we parted, we said that we'd stay together but we knew it would be hard. He mentioned he had been in LDR's that didn't work in the past, and from what I gather, he was hurt in the past. It's been a week since we've been apart and I'm having a really hard time. I've emailed him and chatted online a few times, but because he is just getting back home from being away 8 months, he's quite busy catching up on things. The last email I got from him was 4 days ago in response to my long emails and all it said was 'wanted to let you know i'm thinking of you, but don't have the time to respond now. miss you! Love, ' I haven't heard from him since.


    I know he is busy and probably isn't near a computer, but I really miss hearing from him. I am not having jealous thoughts at all, I just really want to hear what's going on in his life. I could txt him, but I don't want to be that crazy girlfriend who won't give space. Should I just fight the urge to talk to him until he settles things at home and responds?


    Thanks for the advice!

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