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Posts posted by Hughzeee

  1. I was just in a relationship with a girl that I have known for about 12 years. We were together for about seven months but the relationship moved much faster than usual. She is a bartender with three kids, and on top of the whole thing, she spent her weekends out at the bar with her friends. I took her children in like they were my own and I was very ready to settle down and do the family thing. Then one night she told me that for the last four months she had been going out to the bar with these out of town tradesmen that visit her at her workplace. She told me that it was nothing but I couldnt understand why I didnt know about it, and also I couldnt understand why she would want to bring other guys into our relationship. I would never do anything like that to her just out of respect and love. Anyway she said that I was a controlfreak for not being comfortable with the situation, and that if I had a problem with it that I just sit there like a piece of furniture. I couldnt believe she said that to me and we split up right there. I am very devestated over this and I just dont know if I was in the wrong or what! i FIGURED THAT SHE WOULD OF LIKE TO SETTLE DOWN HERSELF HAVING THREE CHILDREN AND ALL. i JUST DONT GET IT.

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