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Posts posted by moonlite

  1. Hey moonlight - take a look at my new thread on the 'dating section' about dating two girls. IT'S NORMAL, for one girl to be a friend, and one girl to be the actual 'date'. So, take Jane along.


    People are validating the concept.


    I could join them, since both have dinner at the college restaurant every now and then..


    The problems will still remain, and it is kinda awkward to just join the dinner with Jane (something she wouldn't expect from me..) just to date Angela




    This is the second girl I'm going to piss off, and that's a lot to me considering that I don't like most of the girls...



    I hope Angela is as dumb as you!! (j/k)


    I love you all for your advice!!

  2. Hello,


    Firstly, I'm (IMO) an quite atractive guy, and I'm quite alot complemented by people for my hair/face etc. I'm a good talker with a big mouth, but my problem is that the girls I'm *really* attracted to (I'm VERY selective) are the girls that I NEVER approach because I'm affraid they will see me as a jerk or player..


    There's a girl I know for a year (Jane) that showed great interest in me.. She's not my type and I haven't accepted an invitation a few months back because of that.. Since that I haven't spoken to her anymore except the "hi's" now and then..


    There's another girl (Lets call her Angela..) I've been seeing since last year that is VERY hot.. I do have the feeling she looks at me when we're close and if she passes by, we both look at each other in the eyes etc. This girl gets attention from other boys constantly, and I'm not even sure she's single..


    Anyway, a few days ago, when I was in the library, I found out that Jane is a good friend of Angela, and that they are alot together..


    I'm affraid and too shy to start talking to Angela, so I thought about getting to know her through Jane..


    The problem is that by doing this I might show Jane, that I'm interested in her and then a few days later she would find out I did it all just to meet Angela..


    I'm really confused, I'm willing to do everything, heck even date Jane, just to be with Angela for a few minutes and get to know her better..


    However, I really don't want to hurt Jane's feelings!!


    Any advice?

  3. Hi eveyone, I have known this man for about 2 yrs and he always stares at me. I mean all the time, people have commented on this to me. I have spoken to him quite abit because of work related issues, so we are not strangers. I have noticed as well that he won't talk to me alone, it's like he is terrified of me, yet he stares at me constantly, this has been going on for about 18mths and it never changes. He has never asked me out, and i'd love him too. I just don't understand, does he like me? or is he just weird?


    Does he look away when you find out and look back?

  4. Thanks all for the great advice and input!


    Her behaviour is really confusing.. And I expected the complete opposite advice from here.. I thought she just wants to piss me off with her boyfriend.. Mainly because her friend didn't seem to like the fact that his girlfriend always chooses a place to sit where they can see me.. And she does seem to be shocked when he kissed her in her neck for about a half minute until she pshed his head away.. And then when she knew that I saw everything, she considered it "the end" between me and her and did the kissing with her boyfriend..


    The thing that currently keeps me away from her it the akward feeling, because I "know" her too well to just begin a regular chat like I could do with a stranger..](*,)

  5. First I think she was a shy person that had an interest in you, you never talked to her? why? I think by her doing those actions she was trying to show you that it could have been you doing those actions with her and not the other guy. You may have blown it, but on the other hand she may have used this ploy to get your attention more. Next time you see her, go TALK to her. Quit being a puss. Your a guy, grow a pair. Even if you are rejected, at least you know.


    I do feel ashamed.. I'm really not the type of person who is affraid.. It's just because of her (blaming her again.. )


    Btw, she is definitely not a shy girl.. The way she dresses and shows her model-type body, the way she walks and her friends..


    The funny thing is, her boyfriend sees me as a "competitor".. We've both seen each other, and when he is with her in the canteen, he does look at me, so I guess he knows that she looks at me..


    That dude probably just had the cajones to go talk to her.You should be mad at yourself for not trying.

    How are British girls diffrent from Italians?I'm just curious.




    In a computer room, she was sitting behind a computer next to me and then asked me wether I'll be here after 15 minutes, cause she needs to go and wants to leave her bag next to the computer..


    Or another girl at the bus station that ask me what bus numbre I want to take, just to "warn" me that the bus usually comes very late..


    They usually take the first step to talk..

  6. Being an italian student studying in the UK, I have noticed that girls in the UK do behave differnt compared to Italian ones. However, this shocking experience has confused me alot..


    I noticed a girl at college that seems to follow me constantly.. Sometimes, I see her in the canteen, library, I even see her when taking the bus to home.. The thing is I NEVER saw her smiling to me, but she still always sits close to me etc. This has been for about a year..


    I'm madly in love with her, never talked to her, but can't understand why I see her so much. She's not in the same class, nor follow the same lectures..


    A few weeks ago something awfull happened to me when I was in the canteen having dinner with a friend..


    This same girl that seemed to like me was sitting on the other side of the canteen with a boy in front of her while eating/talking. Suddenly the boy stood up and went to by some coke and when he retured, he went to her and kissed her on her neck without stopping!! The girl then pushed his head away with her hand, and then looked at me to see wether I saw him kissing her...


    Guess what?? A few minutes later, the girl went to this boyfriend of her and sat on his lap (in a sexual way) while kissing him..


    All I can say so far is I'm shocked.. I've been seeing her every day, but since this incident, it all suddenly stopped.. I haven't seen her in weeks!


    I can't figure why she would do such thing in public and in a place where I was there too..


    Any opinions?

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