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Posts posted by Dan78

  1. Hey,


    It sounds that things are not looking up so well for you as of late. I read your message, and I feel and wonder the same thing as you do. Are girls really dressing the way they are in order to impress other guys? Believe me, you are not alone in this one. I don't know why girls do it, or maybe it is a girl thing, just do that they can feel good within themselves.


    Anyhow, since we last replied to each other, myself and my g/f have become a little more intimate with each other, however, there are days when she won't see me, and she will go with her family places and not see me instead. I have been feeling very left out and jealous about this whole thing. Another situation that I have encountered as of late are panic attacks. That's right panic attacks!!! We have to watchout for ourselves and not worry at all, b/c I have been so stressed out lately that y body can not handle it anymore so I have been diagnoised with panic disorders.


    Reading your other messages, you described chest pains and that too is an early sign of panic attacks. So relax and try not to think and jump to conclusions about your g/f.


    I think we both have a pyscological problem. We suffer from some kind of panic disorder. I learned that when we panic we must tell our sub-conscious that nothing is going to happen b/c if we don't then we become aphopic to certain cases within a relationship and our daily lives. So fight the sub-cocious when it thinks your g/f is wearing certain clothes for attention. Our minds tend to wonder a lot, so remember seeing is believing, until then don't worry be happy. That is what I am trying to do within myself, and lately my panic attacks have eased down greatly.


    Take Care.

  2. To anyone who can help me,


    I am 24 years old and I am currently in a relationship with a girl I care dearly and have been with for 5 years today.


    This girl is very special to me because of her understanding and willingness to make our relationship work. We talk every day, atleast 4 times a day, and of course we see each other occasionally. So we feel very much in love with other.


    Sadly, just this week she has gone to Cuba for vacation, and I have stayed behind for other reasons. I feel alone, jealous and worried that something is going to happen to her. For instance, perhaps a guy will talk to her, and maybe try to pick her up. I understand she will not provoke that because she tells me that I can trust her. However, I cannot trust the guys on the beach. I am paranoid as it is when she wares a bikini, and when she at a beach with guys around, but how do I deal with this emotion of mine. She tells me if guys talk to her she will talk back because she doesn't want to be rude. But I hate that because guys will do anything to start up a pick up line. But she doesn't see my views the same way. So how do I deal with that?


    The though of her having a good time in Cuba is also bothering me because I am wondering what she is waring and who is keeping her company. How do I cope with this for a week while she is gone?


    She also stated that she wants to talk to guys in a casual purpose for the sake of trust in our relationship. But I disagree. What do you think?


    Thanks for reading and consideration.

  3. You must learn to trust him. After all, that is what marriage is all about. If I didn't know any better, I would say you got married without knowing what trust is.


    You have to trust him. If you see things or hear things from others that he is doing with his female friends, then you should pull him over and express what you feel. Let him know how you feel and make him understand. If it continues, then I would recommend a therapist or break off the wedding.


    Hopefully he will understand.

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