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Posts posted by LostInASeaOfFaces

  1. I read your story, and I ws taken back to a time when I was in your shoes. Losing someone close to you is always hard, especially if it is someone you are in love with. Nobody knows why he left, some guys are just assholes, and you have to learn to deal with it. When my ex and I broke up, it hurt, but at the same time I think it was for the best. You are very young, and you have probably heard this a thousand times, but you have no idea what love is. I am 20 and I dont even know what love is. All I know is that people come and go, it will happen many more times in your life. The hurt you are feeling is normal. You feel rejected form everything and everyone, and there is no telling how long it will last, the only one who knows that is you. Your first heartbreak is always the worst, its normal. What you need to do know is learn, and move on. You will feeel love again, trust me. Try doing little things to build your confidence back up. Start talking to new people, doing new things, and yes, date other guys. Take care of yourself. Stop having sex, your too young, and when a guy finds out that you put out, they will look past all of your truly great qualities, and look for sex, and if that happens, you may never feel love again. Hope this helps out.

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