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Posts posted by indisguisegh

  1. I seriously don't get how you can frequently go out dressed as a snake (of all things) and no one thinks it's odd. How the hell do you get away with it?


    Yea, I seen a few person looking at me weird, like saying "This gal is crazy", but oh well, as long as they don't know who I'm I, then ok. When I call him, I made sure it's in a public phone outside, and not my # or cell #, he has caller ID. But yea, like I stated before, can't live with a relation based on fantasy love forever, he's gonna soon get tire of this game.

  2. Wouldn't you rather have your crush fall in love with you without your costume? If you have really gotten to liking each other, then he will like you without the costume. And you can have a real relationship together. At some point you will need to stop living the fantasy and see where it leads in reality.


    Yea, I dunno now that I been thinking, I can't be someone else forever, wut if he's gets fed up with it and finds another gal and a real relation. At the same time, I have lied to him over stupid stuff and made him believe I'm this wild and outgoing person, but the big moment will come when sometime this week or next, I just go as me, an average gal.

  3. This has to be the funniest thing I have read today...


    HELLO? You ARE extroverted, you've been doing it for quite a while. The costume did not change your brain so .... guess what? It's you?


    Tell him or not? No idea.


    Actually, it's the costume that makes me go lil wild, I'm not like this wiithout it. It's like with the costume, I feel free, and it's cool having ur crush fall in love with u, u know him, but he doesn't without my costume.

  4. How often have you seen this guy? Have you ever been on a real date with him? Where do you meet? It sounds like real love. He does not know you at all and you have never gotten to know each other.


    Oh, wut a night, ok so I went to his house yesterday, off course as "Zenon", we talk for a lil while before I say I had to go. How often u saying, like 3 times a week, sometimes it's just 2, not every night. Actually, without the costume, he would know who I'm I. I had geometry with him in 10th grade and an AP environmental science class last year. The only time we talk (in real life) was in school for a group assignment for the environmental class. He's 19, my same age. How do u meet u say? Well he gave me his # that day, I gave him an e-mail, so he writes on my e-mail, I call him and meet him at his house at night for a lil while. Again, he did ask who I'm I that he wishes to know cuz he has fallen in love. I say that I would tell him but not yet before I left.

  5. Hey, people,

    At least I can write here, no one knows about my long time ago secret, not even my crush, he has fallen in love with the gal in disguise, but doesn't know it's really me. It's been 2 years since that, I was a junior in high school and it was October 31, so there was a costume party on one of my friend's house and I heard that my crush was coming over, so I had an idea. I just pretended that I was having a real bad day, pretended I wasn't gonna go, when I was. I bought my costume and a hair stray, and I kinda decorated also, I did made sure no one saw me with it. It was a snake costume and my hair was almost all in blue stray, well half of it it was, I added little more to it, so no one would recognize me. So anyways to make it sure, it did work out fine, no one could tell it was me, then I noticed my crush started looking, so ok, I went on and did the talking. Talking for so long that the party was nearly over. Off course when he asked my name, I just told him to just call me "Zenon". Ever since that, sometimes he sees "Zenon" but it's at night usually like at around 8 p.m and so on, and yea, there is long making out sessions, too bad he doesn't know it's me and I'm dying to tell him. He tellls me all sweet stuff and that he's fallen in love, even thought he doesn't really know me without the disguise, just knows me as Zenon. But see, I dunno if I should tell him my identity, the outcome can also be rejection.

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