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Posts posted by oceanspray

  1. I just read the article on this website relating to what women find attractive in men and how men can make themselves more attractive to women. The author concluded that a "sad fact of life" for most redheaded men is that "most women are not attracted to them." The author then suggests that redheaded men should dye their hair and shave off all their red hair throughout various parts of their bodies. The author says that red hair is the least attractive of all hair colors and that redheaded men aren't like men with blonde or brunette hair.


    Excuse me, but the woman who wrote such an article is not only rude and hateful, but she is also inaccurate. I am a 29-year old man with deep red hair, brown eyes, broad shoulders, 6'1", and 185 lbs. Women come up to me all the time, compliment me on my hair, ask if my hair color is natural, tell me that they would pay to have my hair color, give double takes, smile, and flirt with me. I have had no trouble with women and it isn't even because they get to know me; it's when they first see me.


    I find it unfathomable that someone could write that a person is "unattractive" just because of his hair color!??? It's like saying that brunettes are ugly or blondes are ugly just because they are blonde or brunette. Everyone knows that it isn't the hair color that usually makes someone attractive; rather, it is the cumulative features in a person (face, eyes, build, personality, smile, etc.). If you look throughout the rest of the animal world, often, it is the animals who have the brightest colors (look at peacocks, for example) who women desire. That is why male peacocks have so many colors. I have read somewhere that the number of redheads in society is actually increasing. Maybe that shows that redheads are being sexually selected because they are so attractive. So take that!

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