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Posts posted by _Suicidal_Freak_

  1. Ok i have a new problem!Theres a guy i really like and hes nice 2 me and say hi every time i'm on msn.But i don't know if he really likes me or not and i don't know what to do to ask him if he wants to go out with me....

  2. Ok i'm going into HS and i'm so nervous!!!I want to fit in with the popular peeps and maybe catch my crushes eye but i DON"T KNOW HOW TO FIT IN!!!! i need some tip and advice fast!whats in for clothing?Whats cool whats not???GAH!!!!


    Please help!!!

  3. ok...i'll try....but i have a bit of a dilema...he lives about 30 minutes away and goes to another school...how do i show that i like him???i added him to my msn but he hasn't come on yet.

  4. Ok here the sitch.I have two guy friends who like me both very VERY much and its getting a little scary.I can't be around the two of them together or the start fighting over me.Yet I'm caught in between my two best friends.but the thing is theres this other guy i really really like.but i'm to shy to even talk to him.I'm scared because i don't know whats going to happen and i don't know how to let my two friends know i like somebody else!



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