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Posts posted by GARYQN

  1. Hi, my name is Gary. I have been with this girl for about seven years, and now that we are not together any more I can't eat, work or even sleep. For the past weeks not oneday gone by with out me thinking about her and trying to do what I can to win her love back, but yet I failed!


    Has any one ever done any thing in your life that you regret more than anything in the world? I have done a few. One of the worst, I didnt' fight for our love and end up losing her. Being apart from her is even harder than I thought it would be. I try to be logical and tell myself that it won't be forever, but that's not much comfort when I really need to touch her and kiss her and love her. Sometimes I close my eyes and hold a picture of her in my mind and imagine all the things I would say if I had her here. But no matter how beautiful the picture is, it will never compare to the real thing. To looking into her eyes and wishpering her name and kissing her lips. I miss her so much and can't wait for the day when I can stop holding on to a daydream and start holding her in my arms again.


    For the past seven years she has been my best friend, my most precious gift that any man would dream off. Since the day I was born life was never easy, growing up with two sister that got married at a very young age and mom is never well, but yet I manage through life, but never thought that it would be such a roller coaster. My life was never complete until she comes into my life, she complete my life. And for that I will do what ever it take so that she can love me again. It's been about 6 weeks now and I think she might be seeing some one else, but because I love her very much and wanted to make it up to her to love her and to spend the rest of my life with her.


    Any one out there with any advice that might help me to win her back would be deeply appreciated, Thanks advance for your help.



  2. I have been with this very special someone for about 7 years, and she has left me for about 1 1/2 how because she said that I didn't repect her and having too much fun drinking with my friends. I love this girl very much not one day gone by with out me thinking about her and it's hurt! I have done everything I can in the past six weeks, but she would not talk, or even have dinner with me for the last time. I think she might be seeing some one else right now, but because I love her so much and I will do what ever it takes so that she can love me again. Like I said I have tried every thing and don't know what else to do. Just the thought of her being touch or kiss by some one else put tears to my eyes and pain to my heart. Any one out there with any advice on how I can do to win her back and even if she doesn't come back at least I try. So Please any advice will be deeply appreciated. Thank you,



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