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Posts posted by jzb

  1. My boyfriend never comforts me when im upset from us fighting or even from other things that upest me.. all i want is a cuddle and a kind word from him. He can be so mean to me when we`re fighting-really condesending and calling me names and lots of yelling.I`ve tried explaining to him how bad he makes me feel when he just leaves me crying my eyes out but he does`nt understand n he keeps doin it.and he thinks by saying the words im sorry in the same tone of voice he used to give out to me makes everything ok.The last nite we had a fight..we went to bed not talking and i reached over to him-making the first move to make peace- and we cuddled. I got upset then and he got mad at me for crying.. he said he comfort me if i had a genuine reason for crying. I could`nt explain to him why i was upset it was just the way i was feeling..i was happy to be cuddling him. The thing anytime hes been upset during a fight or something else im always there to wipe his tears and hold him no questions asked. it breaks my heart to see him upset...why does he not care about how i feel?

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