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Posts posted by zeldas

  1. Dear All,


    Many thanks for all your comments.


    My husband has no idea I know, as he thinks I am not clever enough on how to use the pc. He downloads software to hide what he does, but I am the clever one as I know how to get around them.


    Some of you say that looking at porn is not an issue, and even though I was devastated when I first found this out, I can kind of understand why people look at it. It's taken a long time for me to come around to this but I have in a way.


    My big problem now is the fact that he his registering on these websites, making out he his single, and wanting to have discreet fun….Why would any married man do that?


    Its just so hard, we get on so well, we spend all our time together, he never goes out without me, (that's his choice) I say again we do everything together. We never argue, we do have a fantastic marriage (apart from what I know now) the sex is great...we could have the perfect marriage if it wasn't for this.


    You see I don't know how he could meet someone for real as he never goes out without me...Maybe this is just one big fantasy of his?


    Maybe I should stop checking up on what he is doing, and try to forget about it.... or I confront him, and be prepared to lose what we have.


    Anyway enough from me, thanks so much for advice.



  2. Hi All,


    New to the forum and just what some advise.


    I have been with my husband for over six years now, and have a fantastic sex life; we do & go everywhere together.

    BUT 2 years ago I found out he was looking at porn on the internet, and also going into chat rooms.

    For me this was complete devastation, and it nearly ended our relationship. However he promised not to do it again and even swore on my life....


    I know that for the past 12 months he has been doing it again, and that he now is going into chat rooms that contain live web cam girls. When I lay in bed at night I can here him chatting typing away to these girls.


    Also I know he has registered on different web site's acting as though he is single and looking to meet someone for discreet fun... (They are his words used)


    Now, I have not confronted him as yet, as I know how it will end.... in divorce, and i dont want this, but i also know I cant go on like this any more.


    The thing is, I do believe he would never sleep with anyone behind my back, and that if I were to leave him he would be devasted.


    So my question is....... why is he risking losing everything?


    Maybe he thinks he won't get caught, and just likes the thrill of this?


    Any advice would be great



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