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Posts posted by Virgo

  1. (And what is the deal with middle-aged men and motorcycles, already? I'd have to say about 80% of the guys online who are in their 50s have motorcycles.)

    I think you must stay away from those ones, they are still trying to find themselves/younger women unless it is a "real" hobby.


    "I'm 51, look about 40. The guys who are 51 look like they're more like 61, for the most part, and most of them haven't taken very good care of their bodies--they're nearly all overweight, most don't get any exercise, and they really look it. "


    Hi Ediefy

    I agree with you, I am 42 and everybody think I am in my thirties … about 35. So the problem with that was that I've always ended up with younger guys.

    I visited the gym yesterday and could see men in our age are over weight. Or maybe they just look like they are in our age group but are actually younger he he he!!! What is it with all this big tummies? I am not a model but at least try to look after my body. You must see their girl friends, bautifully built with no fat. I also checked the web for dating services and guess what, a guy my age want women from 24 till 35, but in most cases neglected their bodies. My ex was sporty build … so what now... must I settle for Mr. Big tummy because of my age?


    This is really a problem.


    Whoa do I sound vain?

  2. [quote=ediefy



    I woke up in tears this morning--dreamt about the old ex. Had a date last night with someone who sort of knows him--and who repeated the general sentiment in town that "he's a great guy." NO, HE ISN'T. Anyone who dumps someone in email after an intimate two-year relationship is a SCHMUCK. I liked the guy on the date, but came home a little shaken, feeling somehow a bit exposed, embarrassed that the"great guy" dumped me, and sad once again that I have to even go through all of this indignity just because I really loved a guy who couldn't love me. I AM TIRED OF BEING SAD ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED 8 MONTHS AGO. I WANT IT TO STOP.


    Ediefy I read most of your threads and have sometimes felt I wish there is something I can say to make you feel better or make the pain go away. I also feel that you are putting the "old" ex on a pedestal by always comparing others to him. He is not worth it! To let go is to admit powerlessness, which means the outcome is not in my hands. I know it is easier said then done.


    I read the following: I'm Kept

    I'm a "Kept " "Women" You, see, there were a few times when I thought I would lose my mind, but God kept me sane (Isa. 26:3)


    At times, I've wanted to lash out at those whom I felt had done me wrong, but the HOLY GHOST kept my mouth shut (Psa. 13)


    Sometimes, I think the money just isn't enough, but God has helped me to keep the lights on, the water on, the car paid, the house paid, etc. (Math. 6:25-34)




    Sometimes I keep on asking the question why my ex preferred married women when I am free. This question makes me feel inferior; maybe I was not good enough, beautiful enough etc. This is the days when I move a step backwards.


    The days I am moving forward I know that he was not meant for me, that I must be glad I am rid of him and also I know that the most wonderful man is waiting for me. It is just difficult to be patient. One day I thought I would go insane of grief and missing him. When I was very young me and a girlfriend use to close our eyes and open the bible at random to see if there is a message for us. This "desperate day" I did the same thing. I opened at psalm 147 where it says that God can heal your broken heart. I felt much better.


    I hope you don't think I am preaching because I am far from being a preacher, but I personally have tried everything to get this ex out of my heart and mind. I have also read lots of stuff on the website on how to move forward. I am currently taking it day by day and hope that some of my written words will be of help.

  3. Later, at the park with my son, I called the ex to see if she wanted to spend time at the park as well. We could catch up a little bit.


    Hi I read most of your conversations and are going through boyfriend breakup at the moment. What I cannot understand is why you think it is normal to spend time with your ex and the current b/f must think nothing of it. I understand what you going through but this is a bit much to ask from someone.

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