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Posts posted by Hediditforme

  1. Where should I start? Okay, I'll start with the cat. My ex brought home two cats for "us" one time. I told him it was not in the lease, which was solely in my name. This was not a gift for "us", but for him. I ended up getting evicted because of the cats. Your bf's cat is the same kind of "gift", as it is really for him, not you. Next, keeping you up at night is extremely selfish. So is keeping a bio-hazardous area of the bedroom. Oh, and viewing any kind of porn is cheating plain and simple. If a man truly loves his woman, he should not be looking at other women to get aroused. I've done some research on the subject of domestic violence, in fact I just did a paper on the topic this past semester, and you know what? This guy is fitting the profile of some of the early warning signs of a potential abuser. You see, it's all about control, and every time he throws a tantrum and gets his way, he gains a little more control. Go visit some domestic violence websites and see for yourself like link removed, or do a Google search-just type in domestic violence, early warning signs. In seconds you'll find tons of sights that describe many of your bf's behaviors. My advice to you? GET OUT NOW. Don't YOU let things go til March. You have to make a move now. Get all the support you can, get good friends and family members around you because you're going to need some support, but get out. Contact a domestic violence couselor if you have to for support. And definitely pray and ask God to help you, and He will. He did it for me! I was in a very similar relationship and I was so isolated and scared and frustrated, I didn't know what to do. But God gave me the strength to leave and He'll do the same for you. Just ask Him. Nothing fancy-you can just ask Him for help and He will surely do it! Right now your bf is just throwing objects. Please don't wait til he starts throwing his fists - at YOU, because it's just around the corner, believe me. Save yourself. He doesn't respect or appreciate you. Relationships are about give and take and compromise, and he only ever wants his way. Sounds like you're doing most of the giving and he's doing most of the taking. And it sounds more like a mother-bratty son relationship, than a bf-gf thing. What you described is not a loving, mature, adult relationship. You can do better, and you DESERVE better. Love yourself, and get out!

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