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Posts posted by darrick72

  1. My girlfriend and I have been on and off for the past 4 years and almost all of the time that we have spent as a couple has been over long-distance. We recently reunited after 16 months apart and the past two months were cool. That is until the male friends starting popping up again. In the past 3 weeks, she has gone out with two guys that I know nothing about. She actually called the first one a date and when I got upset about it she later apologized and said that it was a bad choice of words. She went out to dinner with this guy she knew from high-school and was meeting some other friends later that night. If she would have just said that she was going out with friends from high-school, it wouldn't have been a problem. Then just yesterday after I expressed some feelings to her about a totally unrelated topic, she ends up questioning my trust for her and tells me that she went to an "open-mic" with some guy friend the night before. Well, that was enough for me. We've been down this road in the past. I am a soldier stationed in South Korea and I can not deal with my fiance going out on these dates with her guy friends every weekend. She says that they are innocent and that may be the case, but trust has it's limits and this is where mine begins. I told her to choose. Me or the dates. I understand that she has male friends, but I need her to conduct herself as if I am right there with her. Would they be around so much? Would she be going out with them all the time? Am I being selfish and possessive? Or, am I being realistic about our chances?

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