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Posts posted by owmart

  1. Well, i think the biggest thing that made us get together is the fact we both been through some bad relationships before me met. We both had a desire to get married and wanted to be in successful relationships. We enjoyed each other when we dated and we seemed to enjoy a lot of the same things.


    We had some early warning signs in our relationship. But she would always do what she needed to do to make sure we stayed together. Now she is indifferent to me and doesnt care if i stay or go.


    Dont get me wrong i did what i needed to do to get the relationship going but now i dont have a reason to keep fighting...

  2. well, six months into the marriage and we are going to go forward with the divorce. I am moving out of her house sometime in the next couple days. the marriage has failed. just wanted to let you guys know what happened. me and her just could not connect on any level...

  3. me and my wife have been married for about 4 months. she has a 7 yr old daughter from a previous relationship. I do not have any children but she has recently become pregnant with our child.


    We do not share any common interests at all. i think the reason we got married is because when we met we were two lonely people who never really had any success with any other relationships.


    we had problems during our relationship before marriage, but we always seemed to find a way through it.


    I have a problem with withdrawal when i get angry. i simply shutdown all forms of communication.


    I have seen doctors and me and my wife also have visited family counselors.


    We recently had a falling out a few days ago and basically she told me she doesnt "care" anymore and that she cant take the emotional rollar coaster i put her through.


    the therapy i have been trying to get isnt working so i am thinking about ending the marriage. I am not sure what to do becasue right now she is pregnant.


    I still love her deeply and i think on some level she does too.

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