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Posts posted by gaby_r40

  1. Oh yes, I'll tell him now, I can imagine he'll be more hurt that I'm telling it after 4 years. And ur question vanilla was how he cheated, the same way I did. It didn't weant so far was making out, he told was going to but he stopped and told the girl "I gotta go" and he told me about it. So yea I have decided to work it out cuz he told me and it didn't went that far into sex, thanx goodness.

  2. It's been a 6 year old relation and one time 4 years old (way long time), I made out with one of his friends, cheating on him. No, he never found out about it and no I never planned to tell, it would hurt him and who knows, he might have breka up for good. But see now it's been a week since we called saying that he would meet at my house, cuz he had something to tell. And he did, he confess to cheating. So I dunno, part of me says work it out after the break. But I dunno, he doens't know I cheated 4 years old. Oh wut now, should I work it out, also, should I confess also like he did?

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