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Posts posted by robjones

  1. Thanks for the welcome.


    No kids - my wife doesn't really want any and I don't think she does in the future, whereas I wouldn't mind. Our sex-life isn't... once a week, if that.


    I'm at a position where I can see myself in 40 years time either regretting not staying with my wife and moving to Oz, or regretting that I never got a chance to go with this other person, who I've wanted to be with for 15 years.


    My wife and I have spoken about this... for me it is the passion, plus recently there are things that my wife does that just really annoys me. Yes we have a lot of fun together, but there isn't that "spark" there, like there used to be when we first started going out. I remember having these feelings back before we got married for this other women and was thinking about leaving then... but I didn't do it. My wife doesn't know how I'm feeling about this other women though (although she does know of how I have felt about her before).


    My wife says she just doesn't know what she feels... she says that when we are alone, she prefers the "me" that is around when we are with other people. Before we got married, she says she was thinking of another person, but I think that may have been the depression causing these thoughts.

  2. Hi.


    Was wondering if anyone had any advice on my current situation.

    I've been married for 2 years, and was with my wife for 2 years before that. Next year we are supposed to be moving out of the country, forever.


    Our relationship doesn't seem to have any passion in it at all, and hasn't done for a couple of years now. My wife says she has been "feeling funny" about me, which she did before the wedding - i.e she is not sure how she feels. Before the wedding, I just put it down to her being depressed, but now I'm starting to think like I've been convincing her to stay. I'm not sure how I feel about her at the moment - we are the best of friends and very comfortable with each other, but neither of us are 100% sure if we love each other, or even what love is.


    Recently I've caught up with one of my old friends, who I have liked / loved for over 15 years and my feelings for her have once more emerged on the surface... I cannot stop thinking about her at at all. However, one problem is that she is now single, but 4 months pregnant from her ex, someone who she doesn't ever want to get back with.


    I'm at a loose end... not sure what to do. any ideas?

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