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Posts posted by inajam

  1. im afraid its not that simple. you see because she didnt want her mail being seen by her boss she got a web based email, most of the crap has been going on from her work pc. it was just by chance i ever found out. she isnt stupid & could easily set up another account show me the 'clean' one and continue. but thats just me being insecure.

    as for the chat,i need to think. if we are going forwards then theres no looking back, but if i cant shake the baggedge left by this then a chat may be the way, to be honest i really dont know, for now your views have been at least clearer than my own & i'll try to step out & take a breath until im able to think straight, i hate feeling like this, its such a painfull waste.

  2. thank you very much for your replies. it helps to hear other people views instead of my own mind going around in frantic circles. the pics from the other guy are of him in his home in ever decreasing amounts of clothes,ending in a sock on a his ****. i email she had written said nice pic (to him fully dressed) but i was expecting something more in line with our emails,(then the other pics followed). unfortunately this doesnt help her position does it.

    thing is. this may have been flirting gone awry,it happens (trying to be balanced,i dont want to destroy a god thing by being small minded)

    of course its well out of order.she is saying the right things by the way,i need to build your trust,it was a stupid thing etc. im feel really quite unsure of myself right now(& dont want to decide upon my insecurities)

    but part of me wants to see it as just a stupid error of judgement. its a real bugger, but in the end i guess i may have to let a bit of time pass and get my head together, talking to her in more detail about the whys etc? a good idea or best left to my thought? again thanks for your replies.

  3. my wife logged to her email from home,alt tabbed to music,forgot,went to the local shop. i closed down music, presto! a pic of some guy.. so i looked around, a few more pics,some not fully dressed,say maybe just a sock! ok. then the sent etc emails.

    i had a chat with her.didnt just steam in,i was hoping she would fess up,no luck. so i showed her what i found. can u believe she tried to BS me. i showed her what i had found bit by bit,not once did she step up..until it was undeniable...and for me unbearable.

    i said if you cant cope with being married we'll sort it, but she insisted thst it was a stupid mistake (it always is if u get caught) & really wants to make it work.

    ok of course there's plenty more detail but the thing is, as much as i wanna get over this, the feeling that i dont have that stirling trust in her is digging at me, had i not found out then what, ok i know this was purely emai,pics etc but thats bad enough. do i need to just get over it.

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