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Posts posted by bblumps

  1. me and my ex-girlfriend are best mates in the whole world, but i still love her and i cant help it. i think she still feels the same about me to but she still wants to date this other guy. this guy is suposed to be my friend, well he hangs out with me and all my mates but he dont like me much. he has told her that if she wants him then she cant talk to me or be my friend even. she wont be the puppet to him but she wont want to piss him off either will she. it gets more complicated by the fact that only me and her no that we are best mates and see each over more than we let on to the rest of our mates. this is something i have had to lie about to my mates so that she doesnt hate me. i love her more than anything and she knows that i will always be there for he no matter what.

    i think thats about everything. so the question is how can i get her back?

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