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Posts posted by tumble_weed

  1. the thing is, it was recently that i knew that he has a girlfriend. she was his first. nope they're not married. their love story goes like this: the guy originally wanted to court the girl's friend. the girl became the bridge but the guy ended up falling for her. the guy said that one thing he liked with the girl is her talent in music, since he is a musician too. and i am totally not.


    the things that hold me back are:

    1. her gf is a good cook and in playing piano

    2. they are classmates since high school

    3. he is my friend and i don't want to lose our friendship and his trust

    4. he is shifting course

    5. he's too rich for me (and i think the girl too, is rich)


    and the things that give me hope are:

    1. we have that unexplainable chemistry when we're together

    2. he admires me and says that he is truly HAPPY whenever we're together

    3. at least he knows my future plans and maybe that gives him the clue that i want him to be play a big role in it


    as of now, he is the one who keeps me going these days. he inspires me to strive hard... (to win him over without hurting his girlfriend though...)

  2. i have this classmate for a year now. we have the same course and we occasionally talk before, but we are good friends. until this term, when my usual companions and friends pissed me, i got closer to their group especially with this guy. we share the same problem of failing in same subjects.. so we got to review lessons together and encourage each other that we'll pass. we text each other very often. we even had plans of being thesis mates. we got to know more about each other and i began to like so much coz he's such an amazin guy!!! he's really, really good in music and of course in writing. even professors are very amazed of his talent in writng to think that he's taking up engineering.

    his father is a doctor and he grew up in the environment of his dad. now he's planning to shift and it really got soooooo sad... he's the only guy who said that im truly an amazing person and i'v got all the talents rolled into one. he said that he has the highest regards to me compared to other people and he really believes that i'll achieve my dream. he said he admires me... and that he's happy when he's with me. he's also a very gentleman....


    the problem is, he has a girlfriend... he's not mine..


    i often dream of us sharing the same future.. he's the perfect guy for me. and when we talk about his girlfriend, it really hurts..


    how can i tell that he likes me? will there be a chance for the two of us in the long run???

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