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Posts posted by globebeach

  1. That was long. I greatly appreciate anyone who is actually able to sit and read through all of that.


    Another thing: shortly after we broke up she called me, basically in tears over a dispute she was having with her parents. I won't go into details, but basically I called her mom and talked with her (about some unrelated issue)...a HUGE favour, considering the circumstances.


    Seriously, how could she just IGNORE me like that, when I had recently put myself on the line for her like that?


    Note: I know now I shouldn't have helped her out like that


    I'm 20, just to let you know.

  2. Well, I stumbled upon this site about a week ago, and I read through this thread. I think SuperDave's advice is amazing..it clicked with me more than anything I had ever heard about before on the subject, most of all because it made perfect sense.


    My gf broke up with me shortly after our 1 year anniversary. Her reasoning was that she needed time to deal with some personal issues that she thought could only be tackled alone. She said a few times, "if we're meant to be together, we will end up together". She also said her feelings for me had _not actually changed_. We had previously gone on 2 short-term "breaks" just before this, but both times she came running back to me after 1 day. I know... I was stupid to let her come back so easily...Anyway.. I probably contacted her too much before and shortly after our breakup..I didn't do it to excess, because I already knew that smothering people is a really bad idea. But still, each time it was me contacting her, so it was way too much.


    So after reading SuperDave's advice, I decided to initiate NC. I didn't contact her in any way about it..I just stopped talking to her. She's not trying to contact me, so that was pretty easy...


    I'm on DAY SIX (we broke up almost 2 weeks ago)..the thing is, we crossed paths today, and...we just ignored eachother. I was walking out a (glass) door and she was walking past, perpendicular to me, but she turned her head and looked. We were around 15-20 ft. away, so I'm 99% sure she saw me. WHY and HOW could she ignore me like that??? What does it mean? The most obvious conclusion is that she doesn't want anything to do with me AT ALL...but I don't know...What do you think was going through her mind when she did that? I ignored her because I didn't want to be the first to say "Hi", in order to preserve my NC. One thing: she's a pretty stubborn girl, so perhaps her stubborness will prevent her ever trying to break the NC?


    Does NC really work with ALL situations? She always said it really bothered her that her previous bf did not try to fight for her when she broke up with him. When we broke up she told me fighting for her wouldn't do any good, because "her feelings had not actually changed". But what if she is waiting for me to "fight" for her?

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